Highways into the Next Century 1996 International Conference Scholarship 2007/08 for Postgraduate Students of Department of Civil and Structural Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University In 1996, an international conference, "Highways into the Next Century", was organized by the Hong Kong Highways Association Ltd., the Highways Department of the then Hong Kong Government, and the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Surplus from the Conference was used to set up a scholarship fund to finance young engineers to further their studies.
• Hong Kong Permanent Resident holding a Bachelor Degree in Civil or Structural Engineering from a Hong Kong Institution of Engineers accredited university or equivalent. Scholastic achievement comparable to first class honours preferred. Priority given to graduate from a local university.
• Being admitted to the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering (CSE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on postgraduate study which is related, or has application to highways.
• By a Selection Committee with representative from respective donors concerned, chaired by the Head of the Department of CSE.
Number, Value, & Tenure of Award:
• Two scholarships of HK$20,000 each in the 2007/08 academic year, tenable for a period not exceeding two years. The tenure may be extended where necessary as the Selection Committee sees fit. The Scholarship may be held concurrently with the postgraduate studentship.
• When candidates are judged to be of insufficient merit, no award will be offered.
Enquiry & Application:
• Application is open to all eligible postgraduate students. The application form can be downloaded from http://www.polyu.edu.hk/sao/scholarship/application Completed application form should be returned to collection box in the Student Affairs
Office (SAO) in Room ST314 on or before 25 January 2008 (Friday).
• For enquiries, please contact SAO (Room ST314) or call us at 2766 6802.
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