The program recruits primarily undergraduates in their sophomore and
junior years, but outstanding freshmen and seniors are also
considered. All qualified students are encouraged to apply, and
minority and female students are particularly encouraged. SURE Fellows
are expected to reapply for a second year of research (and out years)
with their mentors when possible after successful completion of their
SURE appointments.
The approximately ten-week SURE program generally begins in early June
through mid-August. Fellows attend a one-week orientation and focus
session that includes a series of lectures to provide a detailed
overview of all research areas within the BER global change mission.
Fellows also receive more focused information on the specific areas in
which they expect to conduct research. Following the orientation and
focus sessions, SURE fellows travel to their nine-week research
assignments at national laboratories or universities (or other
participating DOE funded contractors) to conduct BER-supported global
change research. Each Fellow has a mentor who directs and monitors his/
her summer research experience.
Fellows’ receive the following benefits:
* A weekly stipend of $475.00, which is paid every two weeks.
* Travel expenses (including airfare, ground transportation,
lodging, and adjusted Per Diem) to attend the Orientation and End-of-
Summer Workshop.
* Travel expenses (including airfare and ground transportation)
from the Orientation to the research facility.
* Travel expenses (including airfare and ground transportation)
from the research facility to the End-of-Summer Workshop, and then to
their homes.
Deadline : December 31, 2009
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