A fully-funded PhD studentship is available to start in Autumn 2010 in the group of Dr Michael Greaney at the University of Edinburgh (http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/mgreaney/index.html). The project will involve the development of new C-H activation methods for the synthesis of complex heterocycles. For recent publications in the area from our group, see:
Org. Lett., 2010, 12, 224-226.
Org. Lett. 2010, 12, 168-171.
Angew. Chem .Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 5199-5202.
Org. Lett., 2008, 10, 2717-2720.
J. Org. Chem., 2008, 73, 3303-3306.
Chem. Commun., 2008, 1241-1243
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 7996-8000.
The successful candidate will have, or be about to obtain, a first-class or 2:1 honours degree (or equivalent), in chemistry. Experience in organic synthesis is an advantage, although motivated students with a background in other areas of chemistry are likewise encouraged to apply.
All interested should email a cv to Dr Mike Greaney containing the names of two referees. Informal enquiries are welcome, either through email (Michael.Greaney@ed.ac.uk) or phone (0131 650 4726).
Source: 1.http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/mgreaney/index.html
2. http://scholarbuzz.com/2010/uk-scholarship/uk-phd-studentship-in-organic-synthesis-2010/
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Mar 1, 2010
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