This year, the University of Leeds will offer at least 12 Fully-Funded International Research Scholarships (FIRS), which are available for high quality international students who will be commencing a PhD degree from academic session 2009/10. The Scholarship may be held for up to three years subject to satisfactory academic progress. The Scholarships will provide full international fees together with a maintenance grant of £13,290 for session 2009/10.
Eligibility Criteria – Applicants must:
· Be liable to pay academic fees at the full international fee rate;
· Have an offer of an academic place for PhD research study at the University of Leeds by no later than 31 January 2009;
· Be commencing PhD research study for the first time in session 2009/10
· Not already hold a doctorate or equivalent qualification;
· Not hold another scholarship;
Successful candidates are likely to hold qualifications and experience that are equivalent to a UK first class honours degree.
Within the Faculty of Medicine and Health, each School (registration unit), is eligible to recommend 3 applications for the FIRS. All applications received will be prioritised by a panel consisting of appropriate postgraduate research tutors before sending forward the recommendations for each School (registration unit) to the Scholarships Office.
If you have a student you would like to put forward for a FIRS Scholarship, please ask them to complete the application form (downloadable from: and return to the Postgraduate Scholarships Office, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT by no later than 31 January 2009.
Students will not be considered for the FIRS Scholarship unless they have been offered a place to study for a full time PhD degree on 31 January 2009 and therefore, it is imperative that the following information is submitted to the Faculty Graduate School as a matter of urgency:
The deadline for receipt of completed applications in the Faculty Graduate School is 5.00pm on Friday 30 January 2009.
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