TIGP programs offered in 2009
We currently offer nine interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs. To learn more about a specific option, please select it from the list to proceed to the program Website:
Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics .
Molecular Science and Technology .
Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences .
Bioinformatics .
Molecular and Cell Biology .
Nano Science and Technology .
Molecular Medicine .
Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing .
Earth System Science .
tuition, fees & fellowship information
TIGP offers a rigorous, interdisciplinary education at an affordable price; annual tuition is about USD 1,400. On arriving at Academia Sinica, students will also face reasonable living and housing costs.
All applicants who are admitted to TIGP will receive a fellowship from Academia Sinica. Stipend levels are about USD 11,000 per year, and will be awarded for the first three years. Thereafter, students who perform well academically will continue to receive financial support from their thesis advisors (for two additional years).
application deadline 2009
All application materials (please see checklist below) must reach TIGP by March 31, 2009.
No application fee is required. Please send completed application to:
Admissions Office Taiwan International Graduate Program
128 Academia Road, Section 2 Nankang,
Taipei 115 Taiwan, R. O. C.
for more information
Source: TIGP
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