Every day Facebook confronts among the most complex technical problems and we believe that close relationships with the academy will enable us to address many of these problems at a fundamental level and solve them. As part of our ongoing commitment to academic relations, we are pleased to announce the creation of a Facebook Fellowship program to support graduate students in the 2010-2011 school year.
We are interested in a wide range of academic topics, including the following topical areas:
* Internet Economics: auction theory and algorithmic game theory relevant to online advertising auctions.
* Cloud Computing: storage, databases, and optimization for computing in a massively distributed environment.
* Social Computing: models, algorithms and systems around social networks, social media, social search and collaborative environments.
* Data Mining and Machine Learning: learning algorithms, feature generation, and evaluation methods to produce effective online and offline models of behavioral signals.
* Systems: Hardware, operating system, runtime, and language support for fast, scalable, efficient data centers.
* Information Retrieval: search algorithms, information extraction, question answering, cross-lingual retrieval and multimedia retrieval
Eligibility Criteria
* Full-time Ph.D. students in topical areas represented by these fellowships who are currently involved in on-going research.
* Students must be in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, System Architecture, or a related area.
* Students must be enrolled during the academic year that the Fellowship is awarded.
* Students must be nominated by a faculty member
Application Checklist and Instructions
The application must include:
* 1-2 page research summary which clearly identifies the area of focus and applicability to Facebook. Please reference the topical areas above.
* Students CV (with email, phone and mailing address). Please include applicable coursework.
* Minimum of 2 letters of recommendation (one must be from the faculty sponsor).
* The name and CV of the faculty sponsor.
All of the above information must be submitted as a PDF to fellowships@facebook.com.
Friday February 15, 2010: Applications for fellowships must be submitted in full.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/careers/fellowship.php
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