Feb 26, 2010
PhD Scholarships Masdar Institute
The Masdar Institute (http://www.masdar.ac.ae) is a private, not-for-profit, independent, research-driven institute developed with the support and cooperation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The Institute offers Masters and PhD programs in science and engineering disciplines, with a focus on advanced energy and sustainable technologies. Its faculty is of the highest quality and the intent is to have the structure of its top administration
similar to MIT’s.
The Institute is located in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Ph.D. students will have the chance to spend up to 1 year at MIT in Cambridge, MA, and will have a joint thesis committee consisting of Masdar Institute and MIT professors.
The Masdar Institute is in the process of establishing a substantial research activity in AI, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Cognitive Science, and their applications to energy systems (e.g. smart grids, intelligent transportation systems, human behavior modeling). For more details consult: - http://www.mit.edu/~jcrandal/
- http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/irahwan/
Details about the application procedure can be found here (deadline 30 April 2010):
For further details, please contact:
Dr. Jacob Crandall (http://www.mit.edu/~jcrandal/ )
Dr. Iyad Rahwan (http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/irahwan/)
Source : 1. http://scholarbuzz.com/2010/usa-scholarship/phd-scholarships-masdar-institute/
2. http://www.masdar.ac.ae/Menu/Index.aspx?MenuID=8&CatID=97&mnu=Cat#Intl
Feb 22, 2010
2010 Tylenol Scholarships Program
Now in its 18th year, the TYLENOL® Scholarship program helps students getting a healthcare-related education manage the rising costs of education. This year, we’ll be awarding $250,000 in scholarships to forty students based on leadership qualities and performance. We encourage any student who is pursuing a career in healthcare to apply.
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Additional scholarship details:
Scholarships awarded to students pursuing healthcare-related education.
Ten students will be awarded $10K scholarships
Thirty students will receive $5K grants
Applications must be received by May 14, 2010. Winners will be selected by July 15, 2010. Funds delivered by September of 2010.
Source: http://www.tylenol.com/page.jhtml?id=tylenol/news/subptyschol.inc
Feb 21, 2010
The Smithsonian Latino Center’s Young Ambassadors Program is a national, interdisciplinary leadership program for high school students gifted in the arts, sciences, or humanities. The mission of the program is to foster the next generation of Latino leaders in the arts, sciences, and humanities via the Smithsonian Institution and its resources.
Up to 24 graduating high school seniors with an interest and commitment to disciplines in the arts, sciences, or humanities as it pertains to Latino communities and cultures will be selected. The students will travel to Washington, D.C. for a week-long all expensed paid training and leadership seminar at the Smithsonian Institution. The training seminar encourages youth to explore and understand Latino identity and embrace their own cultural heritage. Following the training seminar, students participate in a four-week interdisciplinary education internship in museums and other cultural institutions in their local communities, including Smithsonian-affiliated organizations. A program stipend will be given at the completion of the 5-week program. Through the program, we empower Latino youth to develop leadership and academic skills. Please download the application guidelines for more details. This program is made possible by Ford Motor Company Fund.
“At Ford we are proud to partner on a project that celebrates Latino culture and helps shape the new generation of Latino leaders,” said Jim Vella, president, Ford Motor Company Fund and Community Services.
Admission is competitive. To be eligible for the program, you must:
o Be a high school senior graduating in 2010.
o Be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States with a valid Social Security Number at the time of application.
o Have a minimum weighted cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale.
o Be fluent in English.
o Commit to participate in the one-week training seminar at the Smithsonian Institution and complete a four-week paid summer internship.
o Be enrolled full-time in a degree-seeking program at a four-year accredited college or university (enrollment will be verified in the fall 2010).
All application materials are due in the Smithsonian Latino Center office no later than 5 pm ET on April 7, 2010.
Source: http://www.latino.si.edu/programs/youngambassadors.htm
Occupational Health Internship Program
We are committed to recruiting, training, mentoring, and inspiring a new generation of occupational safety and health professionals to prevent job injury and disease through a partnership with workers.
OHIP is a national program housed within the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC), with training centers in San Francisco Bay Area, San Diego, Los Angeles and New York City. Since its founding in 1987, the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC) has grown to a network of more than 60 clinics and more than 250 individuals committed to improving the practice of occupational and environmental medicine through information sharing and collaborative research.
Internship Program
Join us in a new summer internship program designed to link the skills and interests of students with the needs of workers to eliminate workplace hazards. Teams of students will explore specific concerns raised by workers in a specific industry or job. As part of the process of researching hazards, students will interview workers and observe them under actual working conditions. Through this process, students will gain an understanding of the world of work from the workers' perspective. Students will develop a final report, as a way to give something back to the workers about what they learned, so that this information can be used to improve the work environment. Students are supervised by project hosts and academic mentors.
Graduate students, medical and nursing students, and undergraduates who have completed two years of school may apply. During summer 2010, students will either work in Oakland, San Diego, or Los Angeles California or New York City. Applications are due April 1, 2010.
Our Advisory Board represents academic disciplines and constituency groups from across the nation. The program is partially funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, with additional support from the California Department of Health Services.
To request an application form for summer 2010, send an email to Ingrid Denis at: idenis@aoec.org or call AOEC at their toll-free telephone number: 1-888-347-2632.
Source: http://www.aoec.org/ohip/
Teacher Professional Development: Teach Epidemiology workshop
The Teach Epidemiology workshop, led by epidemiologist Diane Marie St.George, PhD, and health educator Mark Kaelin, EdD, will be held at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia from June 7–11, 2010. Three (3) Professional Learning Units will be awarded for workshop participation. The workshop is free of cost, but attendees must bring their own lunch or bring money to purchase lunch at the CDC cafeteria. Attendees must commit to
attending and actively participating each day. Attendees must show valid government-issued ID to enter the CDC campus. Information about parking and logistics will be e-mailed to all registered attendees prior to the workshop.
To find out more about workshop content and to apply, please visit http://www.cdc.gov/gcc/exhibit/teacher.htm. Workshop application deadline is April 7, 2010. Applications will be reviewed in April and you will be notified of your acceptance via email by May 7, 2010.
Dates: June 7-11, 2010
Monday -- Thursday, 8:00AM-4:00PM
Friday, 8:00AM-1:00PM
Cost: Free. Lunches will not be provided.
Location: CDC's Tom Harkin Global Communications Center, 1600 Clifton
Road at CDC Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30333
The Teach Epidemiology Professional Development Workshop is co-sponsored by CDC's Global Health Odyssey Museum.
2010 Postgraduate Studentships in Property Investment and Finance
Closing date for consideration: April 30th 2010
The School has two studentships available to suitable candidates to undertake a higher degree (PhD) by research.
The School undertakes research under three broad themes:
* Property Investment and Finance including Corporate Finance and Performance Measurement
* Property valuation and management including Corporate Real Estate Management
* Urban and Rural Planning including Sustainability, Regeneration and rural policy issues.
These studentships are open to candidates interested in undertaking research under any of these themed areas, and who have a relevant
The studentship has a current annual value of £18,000. It will be for one year in the first instance, extending to three years, subject to satisfactory progress.
For further informal information please email the School’s Postgraduate Research Director, Professor Peter Byrne; p.j.byrne@reading.ac.uk or the School’s Research Director, Professor Neil Crosby; f.n.crosby@reading.ac.uk.
Visit http://www.henley.reading.ac.uk/rep to see in more detail the research that we do, and to make an application. When applying you should state that you wish to be considered for a studentship.Feb 18, 2010
Tuition Fees-only PhD Scholarships Kingston University
Computer Science, Informatics and Mathematics
Kingston University – Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics
Closing date: March 14th 2010
Applications are invited from highly motivated and qualified home, EU or overseas students for tuition fees only full-time scholarships in specific topic areas from Computer Science, Informatics and Mathematics.
Details of these projects (and the contact details of the associated Directors of Studies) can be found at:
Candidates are strongly encouraged to discuss their application with the Director of Studies. (Candidates should apply for only ONE of the research projects listed.) In addition to the scholarship, expert supervision, desk and computing facilities will be provided. You will also be eligible to apply annually to our Conference Fund for attending conference.
The scholarships are available for 3 years, subject to a satisfactory progress review at the end of each year. If you are a non-UK applicant, the English Language Requirements are a minimum score of 620 (250 minimum in computer test) in TOEFL OR IELTS with minimum marks of 6.0 in each section and an overall band of 6.5.
How to Apply
Please return the completed post-graduate application form quoting the project reference FS10/01 together with an academic CV, academic certificates, two references and any other documentation to
Research Admissions, Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics, Sopwith Building, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 2EE
or e-mail: CISMResearchNB@kingston.ac.uk
or telephone +44 (0) 20417 2697
Please assume that your application has not been successful if you have not heard from us 6 weeks after the closing date.
Source: http://cism.kingston.ac.uk/research/vacancies/index.php?FacultyID=1
Feb 15, 2010
Temasek Foundation–SMU LEaRN Scholarship

Under the programme, 35 SMU undergraduates of Asian nationalities will spend a semester in an Asian partner university in China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan or Thailand. Similarly, 35 undergraduates from SMU's Asian partner universities will spend a semester of studies in SMU.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must meet the following criteria:
Outbound (SMU Students)
- Full-time SMU undergraduates of Asian nationalities in any field of study
- Preference for Singaporeans and Permanent Residents
- Completed 1 year of studies
- Good academic performance (minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2)
- Proficiency in English
- Priority for applicants applying for exchange with SMU partner universities in China, the Philippines and
Thailand (non-Singaporean applicants applying for exchange in their respective home country will not be considered) - Special consideration will be given to those with financial needs
- Fulfill immigration requirements in the country of the partner university
- Mentally prepared to live in another culture, in local conditions
- Ability to take on an ambassadorial role as required of an exchange student
Inbound (Incoming Exchange Students)
- Full-time undergraduates of Asian nationalities pursuing full-time education with SMU partner universities in Asia
- Completed 1 year of studies at home university
- Good academic performance (minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 or equivalent)
- Must enrol, attend and show academic performance for the Leadership & Team Building course (a compulsory academic component of the Scholarship)
- Proficiency in verbal and written English
- Priority for applicants from SMU partner universities in China, the Philippines and Thailand
- Special consideration will be given to those with financial needs
- Fulfill immigration requirements in
Singapore - Mentally prepared to live in another culture, in local conditions
- Ability to take on an ambassadorial role as required of an exchange student
To access the list of SMU partner universities in Asia (China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand), please click here.
Tenure, Benefits and Requirements of Scholarship
- Each inbound scholarship is valued at $6,250, and each outbound scholarship is valued at $5,000 for a semester of studies in the host country. The scholarship is aimed at subsidising the scholar's airfare, accommodation, books and living expenses.
- The scholarship funds will be disbursed to the scholar over two instalments - on confirmation of the university exchange and satisfactory submission of the 2,000-word report.
- No bond is required under the terms of this Scholarship.
- Contribution to Society:
- Outbound scholars will be required to contribute to the community in the host country by engaging in community service attachment (minimum of 10 hours) with a community, social or civic organization.
- Inbound scholars will be required to participate in one of the community projects in Singapore organised by SMU. - Journalling and Sharing:
- Scholars are required to keep journals to record their daily experiences or interest highlights.
- Scholars will be required to submit a 2,000-word report on their exchange and community outreach experiences.
- Scholars will be expected to share their experiences with the student community on their return from exchange at a public seminar. They should identify lessons learnt and how these can be applied to their home country. - Internship:
Outbound scholars are encourage to undertake internships in the host country during their semester of studies on exchange. This will provide the students with relevant practical work experience to better understand the business environment of the host country. - Peer Network:
- All scholars will be required to join a peer network and alumni club to foster a strong sense of identity.
- Scholars must be prepared to advise students planning to proceed for future overseas exchanges.
- Scholars must be prepared to participate in an annual joint networking event involving past scholars, faculty and representation from industry.
Tuition Grant Scheme
- SMU students are required to take advantage of the Tuition Grant Scheme (TGS) provided by the Singapore Government for subsidized education.
- Under the TGS, non-Singaporean students will be obligated to work in Singapore for a minimum period of three years upon graduation.
SMU students proceeding for exchange will be invited to apply for the Temasek Foundation–SMU LEaRN Scholarship during each regular semester.
Source: http://www.smu.edu.sg/financial/scholarships/Temasek_Foundation.asp
Feb 14, 2010
The Dan David Prize 20 Scholarships
The Dan David Prize laureates annually donate twenty scholarships of US$15,000 each to outstanding doctoral and post-doctoral students of exceptional promise in the chosen fields.
Ten scholarships are awarded to doctoral and post-doctoral students at universities throughout the world and ten scholarships at Tel Aviv University.
The Dan David Prize is granted according to merit, without discrimination based on gender, race, religion, nationality, or political affiliation.
Criteria for scholarship application:
* The applicant's doctoral or post-doctoral research is in one of the selected fields for the year in which the application is being made.
* The applicant is a registered doctoral or post-doctoral student at a recognized university at the time of receipt of scholarship.
* For doctoral students applying: The research proposal must be officially approved by the university department in which he/she is studying.
Required documents (in ENGLISH only, doc rtf or pdf format, Ariel or Times New Roman Font, minimum size 12):
To be sent by email to ddprize@post.tau.ac.il This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it :
* Application form (completely filled-out).
* Full Curriculum Vitae.
* A one-two page description of the applicant's doctoral or post-doctoral research project and a list of applicant's publications (if relevant).
* Three separate, official letters of recommendation by recognized scholars in the field, one of which is the doctoral/post-doctoral supervisor, signed in PDF format.
* Authorization by the university that the applicant is a registered doctoral/post-doctoral student in the stated department and university, signed in PDF format.
Originals of letters of recommendation and authorization of studies
should be sent by post to:
Ms. Smadar Fisher, Director, Dan David Prize, Eitan Berglas Bldg/119
Tel-Aviv University, P.O.Box 39040, Ramat Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978, Israel
Confirmation of receipt will be sent by email.
Tel Aviv University applicants are requested to note the following:
* The scholarship will be granted in bimonthly payments during the forthcoming academic year until payment of the scholarship amount is completed.
* Scholarship applicants who are the recipients of other Tel Aviv University scholarships/grants are requested to contact the Dan David Prize office to receive further information.
Source: http://www.dandavidprize.org/index.php/scholarship-applications/scholarship-applications.html
New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships
NZIDRS scholarships include:
* full tuition fees for three years of full-time doctoral study
* NZ$20,500 per annum living allowance (NZ$1708.33 per month).
* up to NZ$600 annual health insurance allowance
* NZ$2000 (across 3 year tenure) travel allowance. This is intended to be used for conference attendance and field research
* NZ$800 (across 3 year tenure) book and thesis allowance
* NZ$500 one-off establishment allowance. Only to be paid to those students who are travelling to NZ specifically to take up the NZIDRS. No student already located in NZ is eligible to receive this amount.
Additional funds are not available to support accompanying dependants.
Evidence of available supervision
You need to show evidence that academic supervision is available when you apply for this scholarship. Applicants should contact the relevant university departments to confirm the availability of appropriate supervision before submitting their applications. Please see the terms and conditions for more information.
NZIDRS application close date
The NZIDRS closes to applications on the 15th of July each year. Applications will be accepted from early May until 5pm (NZ time) on Thursday the 15th of July 2010. Please note that NZIDRS applications received after the closing date and/or incomplete applications will not be considered by the selection panel under any circumstances. This is non-negotiable.
Find out more
If you have questions about the NZIDR scholarships, please contact the Education New Zealand Scholarships Manager - scholarships@educationnz.org.nz
NZIDRS terms and conditions (PDF)
NZIDRS application form (Word doc)
NZIDRS guidelines & frequently asked questions (PDF)
Source: http://www.newzealandeducated.com/int/en/institutions_courses/scholarships/incoming/international_doctoral_research_scholarships
New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships
NZIDRS scholarships include:
* full tuition fees for three years of full-time doctoral study
* NZ$20,500 per annum living allowance (NZ$1708.33 per month).
* up to NZ$600 annual health insurance allowance
* NZ$2000 (across 3 year tenure) travel allowance. This is intended to be used for conference attendance and field research
* NZ$800 (across 3 year tenure) book and thesis allowance
* NZ$500 one-off establishment allowance. Only to be paid to those students who are travelling to NZ specifically to take up the NZIDRS. No student already located in NZ is eligible to receive this amount.
Additional funds are not available to support accompanying dependants.
Evidence of available supervision
You need to show evidence that academic supervision is available when you apply for this scholarship. Applicants should contact the relevant university departments to confirm the availability of appropriate supervision before submitting their applications. Please see the terms and conditions for more information.
NZIDRS application close date
The NZIDRS closes to applications on the 15th of July each year. Applications will be accepted from early May until 5pm (NZ time) on Thursday the 15th of July 2010. Please note that NZIDRS applications received after the closing date and/or incomplete applications will not be considered by the selection panel under any circumstances. This is non-negotiable.
Find out more
If you have questions about the NZIDR scholarships, please contact the Education New Zealand Scholarships Manager - scholarships@educationnz.org.nz
NZIDRS terms and conditions (PDF)
NZIDRS application form (Word doc)
NZIDRS guidelines & frequently asked questions (PDF)
Source: http://www.newzealandeducated.com/int/en/institutions_courses/scholarships/incoming/international_doctoral_research_scholarships
Feb 10, 2010
(Summer Term II)
Deadline : 1 March 2010
For additional information regarding the Global Fellowships in Marine Conservation applicants are encouraged to contact ml_admissions@nicholas.duke.edu.
Fellowships for international students will fully cover travel expenses, room and board, and tuition for both BIO 109/ENV 209 Conservation Biology and Policy and one elective course subject to availability.
This fellowship is available to any international applicant with interest and qualifications in conservation biology.
Application Form
There is no separate fellowship application form. Intent to apply for a fellowship should be made known on the reverse of the summer course
enrollment form.
Required Credentials
In addition to the summer application for courses and current college or professional school transcript*, each Global Fellowship applicant is required to submit
(1) a brief essay (one page or less) describing the applicant’s education, research, and work experience background (a Curriculum Vitae does not take the place of this essay);
(2) a brief statement of purpose, i.e., describing the applicant’s reason for taking
the course, how the applicant will be able to apply the training in his/her home country, the applicant’s future goals;
(3) a letter of recommendation from academic faculty or employer addressed to Dr. Larry
Crowder; and
(4) a Curriculum Vitae. All credentials may be posted
(135 Duke Marine Lab Rd, Beaufort NC 28516, USA) or faxed (252-504-7648) to the attention of Debbie Pease or scanned and sent in Word or pdf form as an email attachment to drpease1@duke.edu. We do not offer guidelines about the information to be included in your reference letter. These letters typically include how the referee knows you, his/her opinions of
your work together in the past, and thoughts about whether he/she feels you’d be well suited to this program.
* If at all possible, a copy of the transcript is preferred. A scan (sent in Word or pdf form as an email attachment to drpease1@duke.edu) or fax (252-504-7648) to the attention of Debbie Pease, an unofficial version of the transcript is fine. If this is impossible, then please send a copy of your degree. An ordinary (non certified) translation of the transcript is fine.
Due Date All Global Fellowship credentials must be received no later than March 1, 2010 by the admissions office of the Marine Laboratory.
All fellowship applicants will be notified of their award status shortly after the deadline date.
Source : http://marineconservation.duke.edu/global-fellows-1/application-process
Feb 3, 2010
The Scholarship offered by the KFC Colonel's Scholars Program
The Scholarship offered by the KFC Colonel's Scholars Program provides funding for:
- Tuition
- Fees
- Books
- Room and Board
To be eligible to compete for the KFC Colonel's Scholars Scholarship, an individual must:
- Graduate from high school this academic year (between 12/1/09 and 8/31/10)
- Earn a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.75
- Plan to pursue a bachelor's degree at a public, in-state college or university (start date no later than 9/30/10)
- Be a US citizen or permanent resident
- Demonstrate financial need
Selection Process
Completing the online application is the first step. NOTE: The 2010 application process opens on December 1, 2009. Visit www.kfcscholars.org to apply. After February 10, 2010, all submitted applications will be reviewed and semifinalists selected. Semifinalists will be asked to provide additional documentation in March 2010. After the semifinalist information is received, an independent selection committee will meet to select the KFC Colonel's Scholars.
Scholarship Timeline
- Application process opens the first of December
- Application process closes the middle of February
- Semifinalists are asked to provide additional documentation in March
- Selected scholars are notified in May
The KFC Colonel's Scholars Program has an on-site staff to support the program. To contact this staff, send an email to scholars@kfc.com.
In addition to the Program's staff, KFC Colonel's Scholar is also matched with a volunteer mentor.
Mentors include:
- KFC Franchisees
- KFC Employees
- Other members of the KFC Family
RMHC U.S. Scholarships
Unfortunately, many of those students can’t afford to get the education of their dreams.
We want these students to reach their full potential. To help them accomplish this, our network of U.S. Chapters, along with RMHC Global, offer scholarships to students in financial need who have demonstrated academic achievement and community involvement.
Scholarships are for students in the United States living in areas where there are participating local Chapters. To view a complete list of participating RMHC Chapters and their respective counties please click here. Students may only apply for one of the four scholarships. Students may download one of the applications below or apply online by clicking here.
General Eligibility Requirements
To apply for an RMHC scholarship, a student must:
- Be a high school senior
- Be younger than 21 years old
- Be eligible to attend a two- or four-year college or university with a full course of study
- Be a legal U.S. resident
- Live in a participating RMHC Chapter’s geographic area
- Submit a complete application and all required documentation by the deadline on the application
- Meet any additional eligibility requirements outlined by each scholarship program
- Verification of enrollment each year at the student’s accredited post-secondary institution
The deadline for the 2009/2010 academic year is February 16, 2010. Applicants will be notified in May or June of 2010.
Applications will be available for download on this page on November 9 for the 2009/2010 program.
Feb 2, 2010
The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) `EMBARK’ Initiative offers opportunities for suitably qualified individuals to pursue a postgraduate degree by research. The Scheme supports basic research in the broad areas of Science, Engineering and Technology.
The online application system opens on 13th of January 2010 for individuals hoping to begin postgraduate research in the Republic of Ireland in 2010. Individuals awarded under the scheme must maintain their principle residence in Ireland during the term of the Scholarship and Scholarships must be held at a recognised third-level institution in Ireland.
While a majority of postgraduate Scholarships awarded by the Council are offered to European Union (EU) citizens or to those who are ordinarily resident within a member state of the EU, a proportion of awards are also offered to exceptional candidates who are ordinarily resident in non EU member states.
Scholarships are awarded only to those who will be full-time individuals and who will engage full-time in research during the period of the award.
Applications for funding under the scheme are accepted by an online electronic application system available at our website www.ircset.ie from the 13th of January, 2010. The deadline for applicants to submit applications is 5.00 pm (GMT/UTC) on the 10th February 2010.
Description of the scheme
The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET) `EMBARK’ Initiative offers opportunities for suitably qualified individuals to pursue a postgraduate degree by research. The Scheme supports basic research in the broad areas of Science, Engineering and Technology.
The online application system opens on 13th of January 2010 for individuals hoping to begin postgraduate research in the Republic of Ireland in 2010. Individuals awarded under the scheme must maintain their principle residence in Ireland during the term of the Scholarship and Scholarships must be held at a recognised third-level institution in Ireland.
While a majority of postgraduate Scholarships awarded by the Council are offered to European Union (EU) citizens or to those who are ordinarily resident within a member state of the EU, a proportion of awards are also offered to exceptional candidates who are ordinarily resident in non EU member states.
Scholarships are awarded only to those who will be full-time individuals and who will engage full-time in research during the period of the award.
Applications for funding under the scheme are accepted by an online electronic application system available at our website www.ircset.ie from the 13th of January, 2010. The deadline for applicants to submit applications is 5.00 pm (GMT/UTC) on the 10th February 2010.
Feb 1, 2010
AAA Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program
The American Anthropological Association invites minority doctoral candidates in anthropology to apply for a The 2009 Fellow, Sherina Feliciano-Santos (center) with the two honorable mentions (left to right), Rebecca Louise Carter and Su’ad Khabeer. Photo taken at the 2009 Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, PAdissertation writing fellowship of $10,000. The annual AAA Minority Dissertation Fellowship is intended to encourage members of ethnic minorities to complete doctoral degrees in anthropology, thereby increasing diversity in the discipline and/or promoting research on issues of concern among minority populations. Dissertation topics in all areas of the discipline are welcome.Doctoral students who require financial assistance to complete the write-up phase of the dissertation are urged to apply.
A nonrenewable dissertation fellowship of $10,000 will be provided annually to one anthropology graduate student.
Read About Past Minority Dissertation Fellowship Winners
An applicant must be: (1) a US citizen; (2) a member of an historically underrepresented ethnic minority group, including, but not limited to: African Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians or Native Americans, Asian Americans, Latino/as, Chicano/as, and Pacific Islanders; (3) enrolled in a full-time academic program leading to a doctoral degree in anthropology at the time of application (4) admitted to degree candidacy before the dissertation fellowship is awarded; and (5) a member of the American Anthropological Association. The dissertation proposal must be approved by the applicant's committee prior to application. Students of any subfield or specialty in anthropology will receive equal consideration.
Eligibility Requirements
* Candidates must have a record of outstanding academic achievement.
* Applicants must be members of the American Anthropological Association at least one month prior to submitting materials for the AAA Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program.
* Applicants must have had their dissertation proposals approved by their dissertation committees prior to application.
* The dissertation research must be in an area of anthropological research.
* The recipient of the fellowship must be in need of a fellowship to complete the dissertation. The applicant will be required to provide information regarding their current financial and funding situation.
Application materials and complete instructions are available for download:
Fellowship Application and Information (PDF)
Complete Applications MUST be received by February 15th and should be sent to:
American Anthropological Association
Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program
2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 600
Arlington, VA 22201-3357
If you have any questions, please contact Department of Academic Relations or 703-528-1902.
Source: http://www.aaanet.org/cmtes/minority/Minfellow.cfm
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