Jun 28, 2009
Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)
developing countries to study in Australia through Australian
Development Scholarships (ADS). The Australian Development Scholarship
program in Indonesia aims to promote private and public sector human
resource development in areas of agreed development priority.
This is achieved by providing post-graduate scholarships for
Indonesians to study in Australia and by working in close cooperation
with the Indonesian Government to deliver a program which is flexible
to Indonesia's human resource development needs.
In General, Candidates must :
* Be an Indonesian citizen and not have permanent residence in
Australia or New Zealand;
* Not be married or engaged to a person who is eligible to hold
Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence;
* Satisfy Australian Government requirements for international
student entry to Australia (health, character etc);
* Not hold a scholarship that would give similar benefits;
* Not have held an Australian Government Scholarship in the 12
months preceding the application;
* Be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking
support through ADS for a course already commenced in Australia;
* Be able to take up the scholarship in the year for which it is
offered; and
* Satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian tertiary
institution in which the course is to be undertaken.
Specifically, Candidates must :
* Be applying for courses that fall within the four areas of
development priority;
* Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.9 (on a scale of
maximum 4.0) and an English language proficiency of at least 5.0 in
IELTS (or 500 in Institutional TOEFL or equivent). The IELTS or TOEFL
result must be current (a test result obtained in 2008 or 2009 will be
considered current);
* Already hold an undergraduate degree, if applying for a Masters;
* Already have a Masters, if applying for a Doctorate;
* Apply for a degree at a level higher than their current highest
* If applying for a Doctorate, applicants must be staff of
universities, higher education institutions, research institutes, key
policy makers and targeted candidates in other agencies associated
with AusAID activities. It is highly desirable for Doctorate
applicants to have a letter of support from an Australian university
for their proposed field of study;
* Answer all relevant questions on the application form;
* Be willing and available to take full-time (Monday - Friday,
08.00 - 16.00)English for Academic Purposes(EAP) training in Indonesia
prior to studying in Australia, if offered a scholarship; and
* Be not older than 42 years old at time of application.
The number of ADS awards each year will depend on Australian
government budget appropriations. In the 2009/2010 ADS cycle, 300 ADS
scholarships are available for commencement in 2010/2011. The
scholarships are allocated as follows:
* 2/3 of all awards will be offered to applicants from the public
sector category;
* 1/3 of all awards will be offered to applicants from the open
* Up to 50% of awards overall will be offered to applicants from
the Targeted Category;
* Up to 30% of all awards will be offered to applicants from
Geographic Focus Areas.The geographic focus will include East Nusa
Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Papua, West Papua, and Aceh;;
* 90% of all awards will be offered at Masters level (270) and 10%
of all awards will be offered at PhD level (30); and
* An equal number of awards will be offered to males and females
Scholarships will be available for full-time study of an Australian
post-graduate qualification for the minimum period required to
complete the award through the relevant Australian university,
selected from AusAID contracted universities (normally a maximum of 2
years for Masters and 4 years for Doctorate).
DEADLINE: 4 September 2009
source: http://adsindonesia.or.id/files/ADS%20Brochure%202009.pdf
CONVERGE - a graduate preview weekend
CONVERGE is a graduate preview weekend held on the MIT campus during
the fall. Interested students may apply, and if invited, may attend
the weekend with all expenses paid. See the schedule for a detailed
listing of events and activities for last year's program, or view our
diversity programs brochure.
Doctoral Fellowships - Natural - Human Systems in the Urbanizing Tropics
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program
Doctoral Fellowships
The Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT)
program has been developed to meet the challenges of educating U.S.
Ph.D. researchers who will pursue careers in research and education,
with the interdisciplinary backgrounds, deep knowledge in chosen
disciplines, and technical, professional, and personal skills to
become, in their own careers, leaders and creative agents for change.
IGERT PUERTO RICO RESEARCH FOCUS Natural - Human Systems in the
Urbanizing Tropics
Goals: 1) To train researchers to study environmental issues as
interactions between human and natural systems and to develop policy
solutions in a tropical urbanizing context. 2) To build a culture of
interdisciplinary training, research and applications in environmental
Focusing on four broad themes
· Climate change
· Water Resources
· Biodiversity
· Urban system services
Multidisciplinary Coursework Includes
Human Dimension of Environmental Change
Urban Environment Expansion and Design
Ecosystems Services and Ecological Economics
Policy and Ethics for the Environment
Socio-Ecological Models and Ecological Informatics
Communication on the Environment.
Connections with Research Centers and other Collaboration:
ITES - Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies
LTER-Luquillo Long Term Ecological Research Program
CATEC-Center for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation
UPR-ATI Professional Training Program for sustainable transportation
and urbanization
UPR-AGEP-Alliance for Graduate Education and Professoriate
UPR PR LSAMP – Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority
Industry, Government Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations
Students will carry out their research under the supervision of
advisors including a natural sciences department and a discipline
outside natural sciences. Graduates will be prepared for careers in
research, academe, or industry. Dissertation research will be focused
on real world issues defined and in collaboration with industry,
government agencies and non-profit organizations.
IGERT- Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus involves 33 Faculty from 14
departments and 3 universities.
Funding Opportunities
U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents are eligible for IGERT
For application forms and further information, prospective applicants
should contact:
Rafael Rios (Chair, Environmental Sciences)
Email: rafaelr...@vmail.uprrp.edu
Telephone (787) 764-0000, x4718
Nick Brokaw (Professor, Institute for Tropical Ecosystems Studies)
Email: nvbro...@ites.upr.edu
Telephone: (787) 764-0000, x4940
Joseph Vogel (Professor, Department of Economics)
Email: josephvo...@usa.net
Telephone: (787) 764-0000, x2451
at http://envsci.uprrp.edu/academics/graduate-program/IGERT in order
to better understand the full scope of the project and application
Jun 25, 2009
Doctoral Fellowships - Natural - Human Systems in the Urbanizing Tropics
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program
Doctoral Fellowships
The Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT)
program has been developed to meet the challenges of educating U.S.
Ph.D. researchers who will pursue careers in research and education,
with the interdisciplinary backgrounds, deep knowledge in chosen
disciplines, and technical, professional, and personal skills to
become, in their own careers, leaders and creative agents for change.
IGERT PUERTO RICO RESEARCH FOCUS Natural - Human Systems in the
Urbanizing Tropics
Goals: 1) To train researchers to study environmental issues as
interactions between human and natural systems and to develop policy
solutions in a tropical urbanizing context. 2) To build a culture of
interdisciplinary training, research and applications in environmental
Focusing on four broad themes
· Climate change
· Water Resources
· Biodiversity
· Urban system services
Multidisciplinary Coursework Includes
Human Dimension of Environmental Change
Urban Environment Expansion and Design
Ecosystems Services and Ecological Economics
Policy and Ethics for the Environment
Socio-Ecological Models and Ecological Informatics
Communication on the Environment.
Connections with Research Centers and other Collaboration:
ITES - Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Studies
LTER-Luquillo Long Term Ecological Research Program
CATEC-Center for Applied Tropical Ecology and Conservation
UPR-ATI Professional Training Program for sustainable transportation
and urbanization
UPR-AGEP-Alliance for Graduate Education and Professoriate
UPR PR LSAMP – Puerto Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority
Industry, Government Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations
Students will carry out their research under the supervision of
advisors including a natural sciences department and a discipline
outside natural sciences. Graduates will be prepared for careers in
research, academe, or industry. Dissertation research will be focused
on real world issues defined and in collaboration with industry,
government agencies and non-profit organizations.
IGERT- Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus involves 33 Faculty from 14
departments and 3 universities.
Funding Opportunities
U.S. citizens and Permanent Residents are eligible for IGERT
For application forms and further information, prospective applicants
should contact:
Rafael Rios (Chair, Environmental Sciences)
Email: rafaelr...@vmail.uprrp.edu
Telephone (787) 764-0000, x4718
Nick Brokaw (Professor, Institute for Tropical Ecosystems Studies)
Email: nvbro...@ites.upr.edu
Telephone: (787) 764-0000, x4940
Joseph Vogel (Professor, Department of Economics)
Email: josephvo...@usa.net
Telephone: (787) 764-0000, x2451
at http://envsci.uprrp.edu/academics/graduate-program/IGERT in order
to better understand the full scope of the project and application
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
is for undergraduates with exceptional financial need. Pell Grant
recipients with the lowest expected family contributions (EFCs) will
be considered first for a FSEOG. Just like Pell Grants, the FSEOG does
not have to be repaid.
How much can I get?
You can receive between $100 and $4,000 a year, depending on when you
apply, your financial need, the funding at the school you're
attending, and the policies of the financial aid office at your
If I am eligible, how will I get the FSEOG money?
If you're eligible, your school will credit your account, pay you
directly (usually by check), or combine these methods. Your school
must pay you at least once per term (semester, trimester, or quarter).
Schools that do not use semesters, trimesters, or quarters must
disburse funds at least twice per academic year.
Jun 20, 2009
National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program
million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds. Applications
will be accepted continuously until funds are expended or September
30, 2010, whichever comes first.
The National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program provides
$50,000 (or the outstanding balance of qualifying student loans if it
is less than $50,000), tax free, to primary care medical, dental and
mental health clinicians in exchange for two years of service at an
approved site in a Health Professional Shortage Area. Upon completion
of the service commitment, clinicians may be eligible to apply for
additional support for extended service.
Am I Eligible?
* U.S. citizen or national [+]
* Trained and credentialed in an eligible primary care discipline:
o Allopathic (MD) or Osteopathic (DO) Physician [+]
o Primary Care Nurse Practitioner [+]
o Certified Nurse-Midwife [+]
o Primary Care Physician Assistant [+]
o Dentist [+]
o Dental Hygienist [+]
o Health Service Psychologist [+]
o Licensed Clinical Social Worker [+]
o Psychiatric Nurse Specialist [+]
o Marriage and Family Therapist [+]
o Licensed Professional Counselor [+]
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program
created the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher
Education (TEACH) Grant Program that provides grants of up to $4,000
per year to students who intend to teach in a public or private
elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income
families. If, after reading all of the information on this fact sheet,
you are interested in learning more about the TEACH Grant Program, you
should contact the financial aid office at the college where you will
be enrolled starting with the 2008-2009 school year.
Effective Dates
The first TEACH Grants will be awarded to eligible students for the
2008-2009 school year.
In exchange for receiving a TEACH Grant, you must agree to serve as a
full-time teacher in a high-need field in a public or private
elementary or secondary school that serves low-income students (see
below for more information on high-need fields and schools serving low-
income students). As a recipient of a TEACH Grant, you must teach for
at least four academic years within eight calendar years of completing
the program of study for which you received a TEACH Grant. IMPORTANT:
If you fail to complete this service obligation, all amounts of TEACH
Grants that you received will be converted to a Federal Direct
Unsubsidized Stafford Loan. You must then repay this loan to the U.S.
Department of Education. You will be charged interest from the date
the grant(s) was disbursed. Note: TEACH Grant recipients will be given
a 6-month grace period prior to entering repayment if a TEACH Grant is
converted to a Direct Unsubsidized Loan.
Jun 18, 2009
Amsterdam Merit Scholarships
Eligible candidates:
Outstanding students from outside the European Economic Area (holding a non-EEA-nationality) can apply for an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (AMS). Candidates must be officially accepted into a full-time degree programme at the UvA. The candidate must not receive a full-coverage scholarship from another organisation for the same period of study as the AMS scholarship and must be able to comply with Dutch visa regulations.
Value and purpose of grant : € 6,000 - € 21,000Grant award period: Selected students receive a scholarship for the official duration of the programme they are enrolled in. The scholarship for one-and-a-half or two-year programmes will only be renewed if the student is making satisfactory progress towards the degree.
Closing date : Deadlines vary per faculty/graduate school (1 March/1 April/1 June). For detailed information per faculty/graduate school, please visit www.uva.nl/ams.
Availability : 120 scholarships
Grant provider: Universiteit van Amsterdam
Application procedure : AMS scholarships are awarded by the faculties and graduate schools. Application procedures vary per faculty/school. For more information on the application procedure and requirements, please visit www.uva.nl/ams.
More information : The AMS scholarship programme is highly selective. The best eligible candidates will be selected for a scholarship by the faculty or graduate school offering the study programme. Applicants will be selected on the basis of academic merit, such as grade average, letter of recommendation and motivation. For more information on the selection criteria and application procedures per faculty, please visit www.uva.nl/ams.
The information provided here is correct to the best of our knowledge, but may be subject to change without notice. You should therefore check the information yourself before relying on it.
last update: 28 May 2009
source: http://www.grantfinder.nl/content/result_detail.asp?id=240
Jun 15, 2009
Alumni Get More Chances to Apply for Research Fund
Alumni Get More Chances to Apply for Research Fund |
AUN/SEED-Net is now calling for applications to the Research Program for Alumni Members (RA) 2009 for the second round. The Program is to provide research support for our alumni members who are currently faculty staff of Member Institutions to conduct research activity at home institution and/or other Member Institution(s) or Japanese Supporting University. In this round, the Project can provide the USD 2,000 research grants for up to 15 alumni. Details of the program can be found in Implementation Guidelines at http://www.seed-net.org/application_form.html. Application Deadline is 31 July 2009; and the propose research project must be between August 2009 and mid of February 2010. |
•Hokkaido University,English Engineering Education Program(e3)
In 2006, the English Graduate Program in Socio-Environmental Engineering or EGPSEE (est.2000) expands to cover fields outside the Socio-Environmental Engineering Group and renames itself the English Engineering Education Program or the e3 program.
e3 program consists of the following subject groups:
Field Engineering for Environment
Engineering and Policy for Cold Regional Environment
Human Environmental Systems, Architectural and Structural Design
Built Environment
Solid Waste, Resources and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical and Intelligent System Engineering
Besides obtaining new and advanced technology Japan processes, students in our program are able to develop human network beyond their fields of study. Thanks to the program concept that requires students to take courses outside their primary subject group and the all year round activities the students themselves organize.
MEXT scholarships offered by the e3 program are available only for the October intake. The application deadline is 15 December of the preceding year. Eligible applicants must be less than 35 years of age as of April 1 of the enrollment year, have a good command of English, competent in the academic fields chosen and excellent academic records.
At present about one third of our students obtained scholarships from other sources, e.g. MEXT scholarships through the Japanese embassies, AUN/SEED-Net programs, etc. The program assists applicants in securing the acceptance letter from appropriate professors.
Jun 11, 2009
Whitworth Senior Scholarship Awards
The Institution established the Whitworth Senior Scholarship Awards to offer an enhanced level of financial reward for postgraduate research. The awards are to assist engineers who are intending to do research and are planning to embark on postgraduate degree study for a PhD or EngD degree.
The value of the scholarship is up to £7,500 per year, for a maximum period of three years.
The Award may be held concurrently with other forms of financial support (except with any other Whitworth Award).
Whitworth Senior Scholarship Awards are offered in competition to:
- outstanding engineers who have recently graduated with an engineering degree.
- students who completed at least a 2 year engineering apprenticeship before entering an engineering degree-level course.
- students who have obtained or will obtain admission to, or have already commenced, a postgraduate research degree programme.
- students who are British, Commonwealth or European Union citizens, normally resident in the United Kingdom prior to starting their research course.
- existing Whitworth Award Holders and Whitworth Scholars
Please note: only one senior scholarship award can be granted to an individual.
Applications must be submitted by 30th June each year using the online application form.
JSPS Invitation Fellowship Program for Research in Japan
International students who pay tuition fees at the full international rate can receive up to £2,000 in scholarships and awards. All eligible international students will automatically receive a University of Liverpool International Advancement Award worth £1,000. The Faculty of Engineering International PGT Scholarship offers a further £1,000 to each high calibre international student who registers for full-time studies leading towards the award of an MSc (Eng) or MRes degree in the Faculty of Engineering.
Successful applicants for the scholarship will be notified in writing shortly after all transcipts and certificates supporting their application have been received.
- Scholarships are for international students who start their studies in September 2009 and pay tuition fees at the full international rate (£11,650 for 2008/09).
- Candidates must achieve a good first class honours degree or an equivalent overseas qualification in a relevant subject area (engineering or scientific subjects) and the application must be supported by good references. The grades required for the award of a scholarship may vary depending on the MSc (Eng) or MRes programme.
- Candidates whose first degree is not from an English speaking country must also obtain one of the following (other equivalent qualifications may be considered):
i. paper based TOEFL≥570 plus Test of Written English 5.0
ii. computer based TOEFL≥230
iii. IELTS≥6.0 (or 6.5 for AMST or PDM) - Successful registered candidates will receive £400 around week four of the first semester, a further £400 after successfully passing the second semester examinations with minimum overall average ≥ 60% and £200 on obtaining a minimum grade of 60% in the MSc (Eng) dissertation.
- Scholarships awarded for September 2009 entry are not deferrable to the following year.
- The decisions made by the scholarship awarding body in each Department will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
A completed scholarship application form must be received no later than 31 August 2009.
Jun 10, 2009
The Hitachi Scholarship
Scholarship Program for Postgraduate Study in Japan
The Hitachi Scholarship provides an excellent opportunity for Southeast Asian universities to send faculty members, who wish to continue teaching and research at their universities after graduation, to Japan as part of their human development programs. Recipients of this award are invited to attend Japanese public and private graduate schools that have close relationships with Southeast Asian universities. The Scholarship provides financial support and personal assistance and consultation.
Eligibility for the program is limited to faculty members up to the age of 30 for masters degree candidates or 35 for Ph. D. degree cabdidates in the fields of scince and technology and each applicant must be recommended by a senior staff at their home university as a potential cabdidate for international reasearch collaboration after graduation. Each grantee receives full financial support to study Japanese for six months after arrival. The Foundation funds tour programs every year to visit various location in the fields of industry, science technology, research, culture, history, society and nature so that the grantees’ experience and understanding during their stay in Japan will not be limited to one campusQualifications
- Be faculty members of one of the 15 eligible universities in 6 nations.
- Have been nominated by their university’s presidential office, with the approval and recommendation of the faculty and the department.
- Have received a specific and confirmed invitation from a professor at a Japanese university, who will act as the host professor to collaborate with and/or advise the applicant until graduation or the completion of the program.
- Applicants to all programs must be faculty members at one of the eligible universities.
- English will be the common language used in most of the international conferences. Therefore,we strongly suggest that applicants have a good knowledge of English as a communication tool. A TOEFL score of 530 or above is preferred.
- The Foundation shall mail application forms every year in June to the presidential office of each university.
- Each applicant shall submit the application to his/her university’s presidential office with all requested information. The Foundation will accept applications and nomination letters from the presidential offices until the end of November 2009 . No direct application from individual will be accepted.
- The application form should be supplemented with a recommendation letter from the Head of Department and/or the Dean of Faculty, along with a confirmed certificate of acceptance from a Japanese host professor (Scholarship) or advisory professor/research counterpart (Research/Komai Fellowship).
- The selection committee of the Foundation initially screens applications received and identifies candidates to interview.
- Interviews with candidates shall be carried out individually, usually at candidates’ home universities, during the period from January to April.
- One of the most important points for evaluation is why the university has nominated the candidate and what kind of scenario the department or faculty has for the candidate in terms of academic collaboration after graduation. If the applicant’s department or faculty has been implementing specific cooperation/collaboration with the laboratory of the proposed host professor in Japan, this will receive positive consideration in the screening of the candidate.
- Following the interview, the Foundation may contact both senior advisors at the home university and the proposed host professor in Japan for further verification.
- Notification of final decisions will be made to the presidential offices, and award notices will be sent to each successful candidate in June.
- University of Indonesia
- Bandung Institute of Technology
- Gadjah Mada University
- Surabaya Institute of Technology
- The National University of Singapore
- University of Malaya
- University of Technology Malaysia
- Chulalongkorn University
- Chiang Mai University
- Khon Kaen University
- King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
- King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
The Philippines
- University of the Philippines
- Hanoi University of Technology
- Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Jun 8, 2009
DEADLINE: July 6, 2009
The American Evaluation Association welcomes applications for its
Graduate Education Diversity Internship Program that provides paid
internship and training opportunities for academic year 2009/2010.
GEDIP works to engage and support students from groups traditionally
under-represented in the field of evaluation. The goals of GEDIP are
* Expand the pool of graduate students of color and from
other under-represented groups who have extended their research
capacities to evaluation.
* Stimulate evaluation thinking concerning under-represented
communities and culturally responsive evaluation.
* Deepen the evaluation profession’s capacity to work in
racially, ethnically and culturally diverse settings.
Interns may come from a variety of disciplines, including public
health, education, political science, anthropology, psychology,
sociology, social work, and the natural sciences. Their commonality is
a strong background in research skills, an interest in extending their
capacities to the field of evaluation, and a commitment to thinking
deeply about culturally responsive evaluation practice.
Jun 1, 2009
API Fellowships Program FOR FELLOWS YEAR 2010-2011
Public Intellectuals are those—academics, researchers, media professionals, artists, creative writers, NGO activists, social workers, public servants and others with moral authority
—who are committed to working for the betterment of society by applying their professional knowledge, wisdom and experience.
The Nippon Foundation Fellowships for Asian Public Intellectuals (API Fellowships Program) is designed to stimulate the creation of a pool of such intellectuals in the region. They aim to promote mutual learning among Asian public intellectuals and to contribute to the growth of public spaces in which effective responses to regional needs can be generated
What are the goals?
To create and nurture a community of public intellectuals in the Asian region;
To promote mutual learning among Asian public intellectuals; and
To contribute to the growth of public spaces in which effective responses to regional needs can be generated.In selecting Fellows, API Fellowships Program will favor projects that address critical issues for the region, which use creative and multidisciplinary approaches, and which have some element of advocacy.
What are the themes?
- Changing Identities and their Social, Historical, and Cultural Contexts: e.g., the use of historical memory in building regional and national identities; the construction of cultural majorities and minorities; the role of the media and the arts; the dynamics of cultural encounter; the performance of gender, religion, and class roles.
- Reflections on the Human Condition and the Search for Social Justice: e.g., the distribution of political rights; economic and physical security; the management of social change; the marginalization of peripheral populations; human interaction with the environment.
- Globalization: Structures, Processes, and Alternatives: e.g., the impact of economic integration on states and societies; human and capital migration; the changing role of borders; the meaning of self-reliance; the global marketing of culture; civil society in the era of globalization.
What can I do as a project?The project may take several forms: research paper; film; series of journalistic articles; data gathering; building networks; work of art, etc., but must fulfill three conditions: it must NOT be part of your regular employment; it must contribute to the goals of the API Fellowships Program, and fit with the API themes; and it must have tangible output (research paper, film, photo essay, etc.).
The project must be carried out in one or more of the API Participating Countries, but NOT in your native country or country of residence. The current Participating Countries are: Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand.You will need to find a Host Insitution in the country where you carry out the project.
Who can apply?
Anyone involved in the production and exchange of knowledge or ideas in line with the goals of API Fellowships Program. This includes academics, researchers, media professionals, artists, writers, NGO workers, social workers, public servants and others who work for the betterment of society. General eligibility requirements:
- Applicants must hold the nationality or proper resident status in one of the five (5) Participating Countries and reside in the country at the time of application;
- Applicants must attend an interview at a designated date and place;
- The proposed project by the applicant must take place and should be completed within the period of July 1, 2010 to July 31, 2011 (Note: The fellowship period must be continuous.); - Applicants must have a basic knowledge of English or a laungage(s) spoken in the country(ies) where the proposed research and/or activities are conducted; and
- Applicants must be based in the region/country and will continue to be so in the future.
API Senior Fellowships and API Fellowships? (Categories of Fellowships)The API Fellowships Program offers two (2) categories of Fellowships:
API Senior Fellowships and API Fellowships. The categorization is based essentially on the age of the applicant. The API Senior Fellowships are meant for those with an established track record as a public intellectual and who are at least 40 years of age, as of August 31, 2009. The project may be carried out for a minimum of one (1) month to a maximum of twelve (12) months. Up to four (4) API Participating Countries may be visited. In addition to the general eligibility above, the applicants for the API Senior Fellowships must:
- Be 40 years of age or more as of August 31, 2009 (exceptions may be made);
- Have the ability and experience to conduct research projects and/or professional activities in the Participating Countries other than the applicant's native country or country of residence;
- Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities in up to four (4) of the Participating Countries, but in a country(ies) other than the applicant's native country or country of residence;
- Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities for a continuous period of between one (1) and twelve (12) months (Note: The fellowship period must be continuous.); and
- Have the ability, influence, and means to disseminate the results of their research projects and/or professional activities.The API Fellowships are for those under 40 years of age, as of August 31, 2009. The project may be carried out for a minimum of four (4) months to a maximum of twelve (12) months. Up to two (2) API Participating Countries may be visited. In addition to the general eligibility above, the applicants for the API Fellowships must:
- Be under the age of 40 as of August 31, 2009 (exceptions may be made);
- Have the ability and desire to engage in research projects and/or professional activitites in the Participating Countries other than the applicant's native or country of residence;
- Have a strong potential to contribute to their field in the future;
- Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities for a consecutive period of between four (4) and twelve (12) months (Note: The fellowship period must be continuous.); and
- Undertake the proposed research projects and/or professional activities in up to two (2) of the Participating Countries, but in a country(ies) other than the applicant's native country or country of residernce.
What are commitments involved?
After the project year, you must attend the annual API Regional Workshop, which usually takes place in November (for applicants for Fellows Year 2010-2011, it will be in November 2011), and present your results by submitting the papers and other materials. You are strongly encouraged to disseminate the results of your project to a wider audience wherever possible. By fulfilling your commitments, you will become a member of the API Community. You will be expected to participate in the activities of the Community, and will have the chance to apply for post fellowship programs.
What is the API Community?
The API Community is consisted of all past and current recipients of an API Fellowship, and everyone involved in the API Fellowships Program as selection members, program directors, and coordinators. This growing community now members more than 250 persons of varied backgrounds but with a shared commitment. Members meet at national and cross-country functions, as well as through informal networks and collaborative projects at a national and regional level.
What does the API Fellowships Program provide?
- A stipend and housing allowance for the time spent overseas on the project, the amount varies by country;
- International transportation costs, for one round trip only;
- Domestic transportation allowance;
- Research allowance to cover computer costs, field expences, books, tranlation fees, etc.; and
- Travel insurance during the fellowship period.
How are API Fellows chosen?In each Participating Country, there is a selection committee comprised of established public intellectuals. This committee evaluates all the applications, invites a shortlist for interview, and sends its recommendations to an International Selection Committee which makes the final choice. There are a maximum of six Fellowships for each country per year. The selection procedure is confidential.
What is timing?
- The deadline for application submission is August 31, 2009.
- Interviews will take place in September/October/November 2009.
- The results will be announced in February 2010.
- The project must be carried out between July 1, 2010 and July 31, 2011.
Up to seven (7) grants will be available for the 2010 academic year. Two (2) will be awarded under the Fulbright program and five (5) will be under the Fulbright-TRF partnership. For the grant sponsored by TUSEF, benefits are intended to cover round-trip international airfare, monthly stipend for six months, books and supplies allowance, and an excess baggage allowance.
An applicant must be a Thai university staff member at a tertiary level institution who is undertaking graduate work at the Ph.D. level in a Thai university; have the concurrence of the university Ph.D. program in which he/she is enrolled; have a paper-based TOEFL official score report of 525 or above (or at least 195 from a computer-based test or 71 from an internet-based test) or have IELTS official score report of 6.5 or above and obtain written confirmation (a letter of invitation) from a U.S. professor/scientist at the host institution that s/he will supervise the research
The deadline for submission is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2009.
Relevant information with complete details and application form can be downloaded herewith. Interested persons should contact Khun Cheewarat at 02-285-0581-2 ext. 107 for further information. Fulbright Thailand Office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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