Each year, the Australian Government sponsors people from a number of
developing countries to study in Australia through Australian
Development Scholarships (ADS). The Australian Development Scholarship
program in Indonesia aims to promote private and public sector human
resource development in areas of agreed development priority.
This is achieved by providing post-graduate scholarships for
Indonesians to study in Australia and by working in close cooperation
with the Indonesian Government to deliver a program which is flexible
to Indonesia's human resource development needs.
In General, Candidates must :
* Be an Indonesian citizen and not have permanent residence in
Australia or New Zealand;
* Not be married or engaged to a person who is eligible to hold
Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residence;
* Satisfy Australian Government requirements for international
student entry to Australia (health, character etc);
* Not hold a scholarship that would give similar benefits;
* Not have held an Australian Government Scholarship in the 12
months preceding the application;
* Be applying to commence a new course of study and not be seeking
support through ADS for a course already commenced in Australia;
* Be able to take up the scholarship in the year for which it is
offered; and
* Satisfy the admission requirements of the Australian tertiary
institution in which the course is to be undertaken.
Specifically, Candidates must :
* Be applying for courses that fall within the four areas of
development priority;
* Have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.9 (on a scale of
maximum 4.0) and an English language proficiency of at least 5.0 in
IELTS (or 500 in Institutional TOEFL or equivent). The IELTS or TOEFL
result must be current (a test result obtained in 2008 or 2009 will be
considered current);
* Already hold an undergraduate degree, if applying for a Masters;
* Already have a Masters, if applying for a Doctorate;
* Apply for a degree at a level higher than their current highest
* If applying for a Doctorate, applicants must be staff of
universities, higher education institutions, research institutes, key
policy makers and targeted candidates in other agencies associated
with AusAID activities. It is highly desirable for Doctorate
applicants to have a letter of support from an Australian university
for their proposed field of study;
* Answer all relevant questions on the application form;
* Be willing and available to take full-time (Monday - Friday,
08.00 - 16.00)English for Academic Purposes(EAP) training in Indonesia
prior to studying in Australia, if offered a scholarship; and
* Be not older than 42 years old at time of application.
The number of ADS awards each year will depend on Australian
government budget appropriations. In the 2009/2010 ADS cycle, 300 ADS
scholarships are available for commencement in 2010/2011. The
scholarships are allocated as follows:
* 2/3 of all awards will be offered to applicants from the public
sector category;
* 1/3 of all awards will be offered to applicants from the open
* Up to 50% of awards overall will be offered to applicants from
the Targeted Category;
* Up to 30% of all awards will be offered to applicants from
Geographic Focus Areas.The geographic focus will include East Nusa
Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, Papua, West Papua, and Aceh;;
* 90% of all awards will be offered at Masters level (270) and 10%
of all awards will be offered at PhD level (30); and
* An equal number of awards will be offered to males and females
Scholarships will be available for full-time study of an Australian
post-graduate qualification for the minimum period required to
complete the award through the relevant Australian university,
selected from AusAID contracted universities (normally a maximum of 2
years for Masters and 4 years for Doctorate).
DEADLINE: 4 September 2009
source: http://adsindonesia.or.id/files/ADS%20Brochure%202009.pdf

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