Ritsumeikan University takes great pride in its track record as a leader among Japanese private universities in the acceptance of overseas students. With a history of positive evaluation from government affiliated agencies such as the the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture (MONBUKAGAKUSHO), World Bank and Asian Development Bank, Ritsumeikan University, as a host university, has established agreements and worked collaboratively with these agencies in recruiting the best students.
Now, Ritsumeikan University will carry out recruitment procedures for each of the following three Host University Recommendation Scholarships:
2. Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGS Program)
3. Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-Japan SP)
In order to apply for any or all of the scholarships shown above, please follow these steps:
1. Determine your eligibility for application to each scholarship by referring to the eligibility requirements contained in the links below.
2. Confirm the availability of your desired program by referring to the information below in 2) Study Programs and Recruited Numbers.
3. Refer to 3) Application Procedure below to find downloadable application forms. All materials listed here must reach our office by the application deadline.
(Application Period: Nov. 6 - Dec. 14, 2009)
For more information please visit http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/international_programs/grad_programs/scholarship_info/application.shtml
Source: http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/index.htm

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