What is the Thiel Fellowship?
The Thiel Foundation will award up to 20 people under 20 years old cash grants of $100,000 to further their innovative scientific and technical ideas. In addition, over a two year period, our network of tech entrepreneurs and philanthropists—drawn from PayPal, Facebook, Palantir Technologies, Founders Fund, the Singularity Institute, the Seasteading Institute, and others—will teach the recipients about creating disruptive technologies and offer mentorship, employment opportunities, support, and training.
Though applicants may already have in mind scientific or technical ideas, the Thiel Fellowship is not limited to those with developed innovations. The purpose of the Fellowship is broad: the grants are intended to enable the recipients to achieve a specific objective, produce a report or other similar project, or improve or enhance a scientific, technical, or charitable capacity, skill, or talent.
Teams of up to four persons may also apply. Each member of a selected team would receive the full fellowship; therefore, each team member must fill out the application and the team will be judged on the strength of all members.
Applications must be submitted by December 31, 2010. Applicants must be under 20 years old as of December 15, 2010. Applicants may be from anywhere in the world, except from certain countries whose residents are banned by the United States Government from participation. There will be no limitations or restrictions in the selection criteria or procedures based on race, religion, national or ethnic origin, or other illegally discriminatory criteria in any grants made for Thiel Fellowships. Applications and entries will be subject to the Official Rules, which applicants must read and agree to, and which can be found here.
The Foundation will begin announcing Fellows as early as January 2011. Fellowships must be accepted within one week of being offered. Offers to teams may be contingent on all members accepting. All members of a team must accept the fellowship, or the others may forfeit eligibility. Recipients may begin their two-year fellowship at any point in 2011. If currently a student, a recipient must stop active enrollment in school during the fellowship. During the two-year fellowship, recipients should not have any other employment or educational enrollment except as approved by the Thiel Foundation.
Recipients are urged, though not required, to move to California in order to take full advantage of the mentoring, support, and training opportunities of the Foundation’s partners. Visas may be sponsored by the Thiel Foundation. Recipients are responsible for paying their own taxes. Recipients are responsible for arranging and managing their own housing and living expenses. The fellowships will be awarded in two payments: one at the beginning of the first year, and the remainder during the second year. The Foundation reserves the right to accelerate the award schedule or modify the Thiel Fellowship.
During the fellowship, regular status reporting will be required. This may include written status reports, access to research and project activities, and review meetings with advisors.
Source: http://thielfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content&id=18

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Dec 17, 2010
Cordes Fellowships provide exceptional social entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders engaged in poverty alleviation and economic justice enterprises the opportunity to participate as Delegates in the Opportunity Collaboration. The purpose of the Fellowship program is to (a) open doors, minds and networks for emerging social entrepreneurs and nonprofit executives, (b) enrich the Opportunity Collaboration with new, emerging leaders and (c) infuse the collaborative discussions with a diversity of perspectives.
Eligibility Criteria
Successful Cordes Fellowship applicants are high-impact, innovative, entrepreneurial for-profit and nonprofit organization executives with a demonstrated commitment to economic justice and poverty alleviation. Like all Delegates, Fellows are catalytic leaders who by their actions and accomplishments evidence pragmatic vision, passionate tenacity, multi-sectoral thinking, adaptive leadership skills, non-ideological activism and a strong ethical grounding.
Financial need is a primary consideration. Applicants from both nonprofit and for-profit organizations with adequate resources are less likely to be selected for a Fellowship.
Applications from Delegates who have already attended a prior Opportunity Collaboration will not be considered. Multiple applicants from one organization will not be considered; submit one application for the most senior leader from your institution.
Application Process & Deadlines
Applications must be submitted by January 30, 2011. Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Late applications will not be considered. All applicants will be notified by e-mail regarding the outcome of their application within 30 days of receipt.
Applicants must submit the following five items to the Opportunity Collaboration Selection Jury by emailingFellowship(at)OpportunityCollaboration.net:
1) Personal resume.
2) An organizational website URL and/or a brief description (not to exceed one page) about the organizational mission, activities, current challenges to growth, etc.
3) Applicant should specify whether he or she is applying from an OECD or Non-OECD country. Fellowship Terms & Conditions, above.
4) Full contact information for two references from individuals personally familiar with the applicant’s accomplishments and abilities. Current and former Opportunity Collaboration Delegates are preferred references.
5) An organizational financial statement or balance sheet.
Once notified that a Fellowship is approved, a Fellow has thirty (30) days to accept the Fellowship by registering at the Opportunity Collaboration website. Fellows from OECD countries pay a non-refundable $750.00 registration fee. Fellows from non-OECD countries pay a refundable $100.00 application fee which is returned after the non-OECD Fellow attends the Opportunity Collaboration.
Source : http://opportunitycollaboration.net/pre/fellowships/
Eligibility Criteria
Successful Cordes Fellowship applicants are high-impact, innovative, entrepreneurial for-profit and nonprofit organization executives with a demonstrated commitment to economic justice and poverty alleviation. Like all Delegates, Fellows are catalytic leaders who by their actions and accomplishments evidence pragmatic vision, passionate tenacity, multi-sectoral thinking, adaptive leadership skills, non-ideological activism and a strong ethical grounding.
Financial need is a primary consideration. Applicants from both nonprofit and for-profit organizations with adequate resources are less likely to be selected for a Fellowship.
Applications from Delegates who have already attended a prior Opportunity Collaboration will not be considered. Multiple applicants from one organization will not be considered; submit one application for the most senior leader from your institution.
Application Process & Deadlines
Applications must be submitted by January 30, 2011. Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Late applications will not be considered. All applicants will be notified by e-mail regarding the outcome of their application within 30 days of receipt.
Applicants must submit the following five items to the Opportunity Collaboration Selection Jury by emailingFellowship(at)OpportunityCollaboration.net:
1) Personal resume.
2) An organizational website URL and/or a brief description (not to exceed one page) about the organizational mission, activities, current challenges to growth, etc.
3) Applicant should specify whether he or she is applying from an OECD or Non-OECD country. Fellowship Terms & Conditions, above.
4) Full contact information for two references from individuals personally familiar with the applicant’s accomplishments and abilities. Current and former Opportunity Collaboration Delegates are preferred references.
5) An organizational financial statement or balance sheet.
Once notified that a Fellowship is approved, a Fellow has thirty (30) days to accept the Fellowship by registering at the Opportunity Collaboration website. Fellows from OECD countries pay a non-refundable $750.00 registration fee. Fellows from non-OECD countries pay a refundable $100.00 application fee which is returned after the non-OECD Fellow attends the Opportunity Collaboration.
Source : http://opportunitycollaboration.net/pre/fellowships/
The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships
The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships are targeted at highly qualified students from 12 developing countries with which Sweden conducts long-term development cooperation. Scholarships will be awarded for studies in Sweden mainly on second cycle (Master's level) from autumn 2011. Scholarships will cover both living costs and tuition fees. A few scholarships will be awarded for studies at first cycle (undergraduate) level.
The program is only available to citizens of the following countries: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. About 80-100 scholarships will be offered for the academic year 2011/2012.
How to apply
Prior to applying for a scholarship, application to a study degree program on Master’s or Bachelor’s level must be made via the online application service for study programs in Sweden at www.studera.nu. The service opens on December 1, 2010. The deadline for applications is January 17, 2011.
Study programs eligible for the Swedish Institute Study Scholarships are listed here. The eligible study programs have been selected by Swedish Universities themselves and cover a wide variety of relevant study areas.
Please find detailed information about the application procedure here. (link coming soon!)
Apply for a Swedish Institute Study Scholarship for studies in Sweden via the online service that can be accessed here between December 1, 2010 and January 21, 2011. Only applicants who have been accepted to an eligible study program will come in question for a SI Study Scholarship.
The Swedish Institute will process your application and publish a list of successful applicants who will receive a scholarship on www.studyinsweden.se in the beginning of April 2011.
Who is eligible?
The scholarships are intended for guest students belonging to the above mentioned target group for full time temporary studies in Sweden starting in fall semester 2011. There is no age limit for scholarship holders.
You are not eligible for this scholarship if any of the following is true:
* You have already lived in Sweden for two years or more when the scholarship period is due to begin.
* You have a Swedish permanent residence permit or a work permit.
* You have previously been awarded a Swedish Institute scholarship for studies at the master’s level or research at a Swedish university.
* You already hold master’s degree from a Swedish university/university college.
Scholarship benefits and period
The scholarship covers both the tuition fee (which is paid directly to the Swedish university/university college by the Swedish Institute) and living expenses to the amount of SEK 8,000 per month.
The scholarship is only awarded for programs starting in fall semester 2011. The scholarships are usually granted for one academic year, i.e. for two semesters at a time, but will be extended for programs longer than two semesters provided that study results are satisfactory.
The scholarship is designed to cover living costs for the scholarship holder. There are no grants for family members. The granted scholarship period cannot be altered or extended.
Travel grants
Scholarship holders within the SI Study Scholarships will receive a travel grant in connection with the scholarship. The travel grant is a lump sum of SEK 10.000.
Scholarship holders are insured by the Swedish State Group Insurance against illness and accident during the scholarship period.
Source: http://www.studyinsweden.se/Scholarships/SI-scholarships/The-Swedish-Institute-Study-Scholarships/
The program is only available to citizens of the following countries: Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. About 80-100 scholarships will be offered for the academic year 2011/2012.
How to apply
Prior to applying for a scholarship, application to a study degree program on Master’s or Bachelor’s level must be made via the online application service for study programs in Sweden at www.studera.nu. The service opens on December 1, 2010. The deadline for applications is January 17, 2011.
Study programs eligible for the Swedish Institute Study Scholarships are listed here. The eligible study programs have been selected by Swedish Universities themselves and cover a wide variety of relevant study areas.
Please find detailed information about the application procedure here. (link coming soon!)
Apply for a Swedish Institute Study Scholarship for studies in Sweden via the online service that can be accessed here between December 1, 2010 and January 21, 2011. Only applicants who have been accepted to an eligible study program will come in question for a SI Study Scholarship.
The Swedish Institute will process your application and publish a list of successful applicants who will receive a scholarship on www.studyinsweden.se in the beginning of April 2011.
Who is eligible?
The scholarships are intended for guest students belonging to the above mentioned target group for full time temporary studies in Sweden starting in fall semester 2011. There is no age limit for scholarship holders.
You are not eligible for this scholarship if any of the following is true:
* You have already lived in Sweden for two years or more when the scholarship period is due to begin.
* You have a Swedish permanent residence permit or a work permit.
* You have previously been awarded a Swedish Institute scholarship for studies at the master’s level or research at a Swedish university.
* You already hold master’s degree from a Swedish university/university college.
Scholarship benefits and period
The scholarship covers both the tuition fee (which is paid directly to the Swedish university/university college by the Swedish Institute) and living expenses to the amount of SEK 8,000 per month.
The scholarship is only awarded for programs starting in fall semester 2011. The scholarships are usually granted for one academic year, i.e. for two semesters at a time, but will be extended for programs longer than two semesters provided that study results are satisfactory.
The scholarship is designed to cover living costs for the scholarship holder. There are no grants for family members. The granted scholarship period cannot be altered or extended.
Travel grants
Scholarship holders within the SI Study Scholarships will receive a travel grant in connection with the scholarship. The travel grant is a lump sum of SEK 10.000.
Scholarship holders are insured by the Swedish State Group Insurance against illness and accident during the scholarship period.
Source: http://www.studyinsweden.se/Scholarships/SI-scholarships/The-Swedish-Institute-Study-Scholarships/
The Guest Scholarship Program for PhD and post-doctoral studies in Sweden
The program is open to candidates from two different categories of countries that determine certain aspects of the program. Therefore you must first find out which category that could be relevant for you.
1. Category one:
Candidates coming from countries on the Development Assistance Committee list of recipients of Official Development Assistance, the so-called ODA recipients.
The program is not open to candidates from Ukraine and Belarus, in spite of them being on the DAC list of ODA recipients. These citizens should instead apply for scholarship through the Visby Program.
In category one the Swedish Institute has the opportunity to offer approximately 50 scholarships. The final number of scholarships depend on how many candidates in the final selection that have applied for PhD studies or Postdoctoral research, and on how long these candidates plan to stay in Sweden (6 , 12 or 18 months).
2. Category two:
Candidates coming from the following countries: Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Spain and the United States.
In category two we have the opportunity to offer approximately 5-10 scholarships. The final number of scholarships depend on how many candidates in the final selection that have applied for PhD studies or Postdoctoral research, and on how long these candidates plan to stay in Sweden (6, 12 or 18 months).
Target groups
The program provides PhD students and researchers with an excellent opportunity to conduct a study or research visit to a Swedish university within all fields of study. As a Guest Scholarship Program candidate you can choose to apply for a study/research visit to Sweden according to the following models:
1. Post-doctoral research: a long-term postdoctoral research visit of 12 or 18 months.
2. PhD studies: a long-term PhD research visit of 6 or 12 months.
Scholarship benefits
The scholarship amounts to SEK 12,000 per month for PhD students and SEK 15,000 for postdoctoral researchers.
The scholarships are intended for guest students or researchers belonging to any of the above mentioned countries and target groups, applying for full-time temporary studies/research in Sweden. There is no age limit for the scholarship holders.
Please note that to be eligible for a scholarship at PhD level you must be enrolled in ongoing PhD studies at your home university.
Please also note that to be eligible for a scholarship at Postdoctoral level you must be holder of a PhD degree, preferably from 2006 or later.
However, you are not eligible for this scholarship if any of the following is true:
* You have already lived in Sweden for two years of more when the scholarship period is due to begin.
* You have a Swedish permanent residence permit.
* You have a Swedish work permit and you are not an EU citizen.
* You are applying for a scholarship at Postdoctoral level, but you do not hold any PhD degree.
Applicants previously awarded a scholarship from the SI for study or research at a Swedish university will not be given priority.
Travel grants
Scholarship holders from ODA countries will receive travel support in connection with the scholarship. The travel grant is a lump sum given only once.
Candidates from the following countries will receive a lump-sum of SEK 5,000: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia.
Candidates from remaining ODA recipient countries receive a lump-sum of SEK 10,000.
Scholarship holders are insured by the Swedish State Group Insurance against illness and accident during the scholarship period. For citizens of EU member states and other Convention countries the insurance applies with certain limitations.
Scholarship limitations
Scholarship periods are fixed to 6, 12 or 18 months. The scholarship periods cannot be altered or prolonged.
The scholarship is designed to cover the cost of living for the scholarship holder only. There are no grants available for family members. No bench fee is provided.
How to apply
Read the application instructions here.
Application deadline
The deadline is 24:00 CET, Monday, January 31, 2011
Source: http://www.studyinsweden.se/Scholarships/SI-scholarships/Guest-Scholarship-Program/
1. Category one:
Candidates coming from countries on the Development Assistance Committee list of recipients of Official Development Assistance, the so-called ODA recipients.
The program is not open to candidates from Ukraine and Belarus, in spite of them being on the DAC list of ODA recipients. These citizens should instead apply for scholarship through the Visby Program.
In category one the Swedish Institute has the opportunity to offer approximately 50 scholarships. The final number of scholarships depend on how many candidates in the final selection that have applied for PhD studies or Postdoctoral research, and on how long these candidates plan to stay in Sweden (6 , 12 or 18 months).
2. Category two:
Candidates coming from the following countries: Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Spain and the United States.
In category two we have the opportunity to offer approximately 5-10 scholarships. The final number of scholarships depend on how many candidates in the final selection that have applied for PhD studies or Postdoctoral research, and on how long these candidates plan to stay in Sweden (6, 12 or 18 months).
Target groups
The program provides PhD students and researchers with an excellent opportunity to conduct a study or research visit to a Swedish university within all fields of study. As a Guest Scholarship Program candidate you can choose to apply for a study/research visit to Sweden according to the following models:
1. Post-doctoral research: a long-term postdoctoral research visit of 12 or 18 months.
2. PhD studies: a long-term PhD research visit of 6 or 12 months.
Scholarship benefits
The scholarship amounts to SEK 12,000 per month for PhD students and SEK 15,000 for postdoctoral researchers.
The scholarships are intended for guest students or researchers belonging to any of the above mentioned countries and target groups, applying for full-time temporary studies/research in Sweden. There is no age limit for the scholarship holders.
Please note that to be eligible for a scholarship at PhD level you must be enrolled in ongoing PhD studies at your home university.
Please also note that to be eligible for a scholarship at Postdoctoral level you must be holder of a PhD degree, preferably from 2006 or later.
However, you are not eligible for this scholarship if any of the following is true:
* You have already lived in Sweden for two years of more when the scholarship period is due to begin.
* You have a Swedish permanent residence permit.
* You have a Swedish work permit and you are not an EU citizen.
* You are applying for a scholarship at Postdoctoral level, but you do not hold any PhD degree.
Applicants previously awarded a scholarship from the SI for study or research at a Swedish university will not be given priority.
Travel grants
Scholarship holders from ODA countries will receive travel support in connection with the scholarship. The travel grant is a lump sum given only once.
Candidates from the following countries will receive a lump-sum of SEK 5,000: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia.
Candidates from remaining ODA recipient countries receive a lump-sum of SEK 10,000.
Scholarship holders are insured by the Swedish State Group Insurance against illness and accident during the scholarship period. For citizens of EU member states and other Convention countries the insurance applies with certain limitations.
Scholarship limitations
Scholarship periods are fixed to 6, 12 or 18 months. The scholarship periods cannot be altered or prolonged.
The scholarship is designed to cover the cost of living for the scholarship holder only. There are no grants available for family members. No bench fee is provided.
How to apply
Read the application instructions here.
Application deadline
The deadline is 24:00 CET, Monday, January 31, 2011
Source: http://www.studyinsweden.se/Scholarships/SI-scholarships/Guest-Scholarship-Program/
Dec 14, 2010
PhD Scholarship in Magnetocaloric Materials
A postgraduate research scholarship is available for a suitably qualified applicant from Australia or New Zealand for commencement of study in Session 1, 2011. The scholarship will support full-time PhD research study at the Canberra campus of the University of New South Wales (UNSW@ADFA) and consists of a living stipend of $24,060 per annum funded from an ARC grant, plus a contribution towards relocation and travel expenses. This scholarship is available for a period of up to 3 years subject to satisfactory performance with possibility for a further 6 month extension.
Reference Number: 5214
Study Subject: Magnetocaloric Materials
Web Address:http://research.unsw.adfa.edu.au/rrto/scholarships/specific_scholarships.html
Provided By: University of New South Wales
To be undertaken at: University of New South Wales.
Level: Post Graduate
This scholarship is offered once only to one person. Open for applications from December 7, 2010 until March 31, 2011.
Payment Information
The value of this scholarship is AUD24060 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid fortnightly for the period of 3 years, reviewed annually.
Research Information
This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: CHEMICAL SCIENCES or PHYSICAL SCIENCES. It is required that your study starts no earlier than March 1, 2011 and no later than February 28, 2014.
This scholarship is for study in Australia. Only citizens of Australia or New Zealand may apply.
Application Details
To apply for this scholarship you must apply directly to the scholarship provider. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.
Main Contact : Prof Stewart Campbell (Professor – Physics)
Email: Stewart.Campbell@adfa.edu.au
Source: http://research.unsw.adfa.edu.au/rrto/scholarships/pdfs/
Reference Number: 5214
Study Subject: Magnetocaloric Materials
Web Address:http://research.unsw.adfa.edu.au/rrto/scholarships/specific_scholarships.html
Provided By: University of New South Wales
To be undertaken at: University of New South Wales.
Level: Post Graduate
This scholarship is offered once only to one person. Open for applications from December 7, 2010 until March 31, 2011.
Payment Information
The value of this scholarship is AUD24060 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid fortnightly for the period of 3 years, reviewed annually.
Research Information
This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: CHEMICAL SCIENCES or PHYSICAL SCIENCES. It is required that your study starts no earlier than March 1, 2011 and no later than February 28, 2014.
This scholarship is for study in Australia. Only citizens of Australia or New Zealand may apply.
Application Details
To apply for this scholarship you must apply directly to the scholarship provider. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.
Main Contact : Prof Stewart Campbell (Professor – Physics)
Email: Stewart.Campbell@adfa.edu.au
Source: http://research.unsw.adfa.edu.au/rrto/scholarships/pdfs/
Dec 12, 2010
AXA PhD Fellowships 2011
Knowledge has become an important asset that needs to be developed and well managed to produce economic development and social well-being in the world. In this context, the AXA research Fund is a major commitment by the AXA Group to contribute creating the conditions for scientific progress, by encouraging innovative world-class research in well-targeted fields of general interest aligned with our core expertise.
The AXA Group has created this new Fund to encourage research in a number of disciplines that touch on the risks, challenges and major transformations that affect our rapidly changing world. The AXA Research Fund is seeking to provide support to: – Students who wish to undertake a Ph.D. in a member state of the European Union or in one of the associated countries according to the 7th EU Framework Programme (FP7)1. Applicants must have completed a Masters degree before they commence their PhD.
Reference Number: 5219
Study Subject: Finance and economics, Science, Technology, Social sciences
Web Address: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/graduate/funding/database/index.php?action=view&id=258
Provided By: AXA Research Fund
To be undertaken at: Universities Outside Australia.
Level: Post Graduate (Research)
This scholarship is offered annually to an unspecified number of people. Open for applications from January 10, 2011 until March 7, 2011.
Payment Information
The value of this scholarship is GBP40000 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid annually for the period of 3 years.
Research Information
This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: ECONOMICS, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE – GENERAL or SOCIAL SCIENCES, HUMANITIES AND ARTS – GENERAL.
This scholarship is for study in United Kingdom for those who have achieved Masters or equivalent. There are no restrictions on citizenship.
Application Details
To apply for this scholarship you must consult the scholarship web site. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.
Source: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/graduate/funding/database/index.php?action=view&id=258
The AXA Group has created this new Fund to encourage research in a number of disciplines that touch on the risks, challenges and major transformations that affect our rapidly changing world. The AXA Research Fund is seeking to provide support to: – Students who wish to undertake a Ph.D. in a member state of the European Union or in one of the associated countries according to the 7th EU Framework Programme (FP7)1. Applicants must have completed a Masters degree before they commence their PhD.
Reference Number: 5219
Study Subject: Finance and economics, Science, Technology, Social sciences
Web Address: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/graduate/funding/database/index.php?action=view&id=258
Provided By: AXA Research Fund
To be undertaken at: Universities Outside Australia.
Level: Post Graduate (Research)
This scholarship is offered annually to an unspecified number of people. Open for applications from January 10, 2011 until March 7, 2011.
Payment Information
The value of this scholarship is GBP40000 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid annually for the period of 3 years.
Research Information
This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: ECONOMICS, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE – GENERAL or SOCIAL SCIENCES, HUMANITIES AND ARTS – GENERAL.
This scholarship is for study in United Kingdom for those who have achieved Masters or equivalent. There are no restrictions on citizenship.
Application Details
To apply for this scholarship you must consult the scholarship web site. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.
Source: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/graduate/funding/database/index.php?action=view&id=258
Dec 9, 2010
Sustainable and organic agriculture is at the very root of our philosophy: Planet to Food. Food to People. People to Planet. We believe that healthy soils and healthy farms are the foundation for healthy foods, which help make healthy people! Therefore, we’re proud to support the next generation of farmers. Our scholarship program assists undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing studies in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture.
We will award $75,000 in funding in 2011!
Eligibility Guidelines
Annie’s Homegrown Sustainable Agriculture Scholarship Program is open to full time undergraduate and graduate students beginning or returning to an accredited 2 or 4 year technical or college program or graduate school in the U.S. for the 2011/2012 school year. Students must be focusing on classes in sustainable agriculture. International students may apply as long as they are studying at a U.S. school.
Annie’s accepts applications postmarked between August 15th, 2010 and December 15th, 2010. If you are chosen to receive an award, you will be notified by a phone call and email by April 15th, 2011, and funds will be dispersed directly to your school on or around July 15, 2011.
Application Checklist
The application consists of two parts – your application and your supporting documents.
Your Application
Complete the application cover page, sign (or e-sign) the form, and draft a personal statement.
Email the documents to: scholarships@annies.com
? Completed, signed application form. All sections are required.
? Personal statement
Your Supporting Documents
Please compile your transcripts and two letters of recommendation, and mail them to:
Annie’s Homegrown Scholarship Committee
564 Gateway Drive
Napa, CA 94558
• Official copies of your transcripts.
• Two letters of recommendation from someone who can speak to your commitment to Sustainable Agriculture. These must be from contacts that are NOT related to you. Letters should be in a sealed envelope, and the writer should sign the seal.
Source : http://www.annies.com/sustainable-agriculture-scholarship
We will award $75,000 in funding in 2011!
Eligibility Guidelines
Annie’s Homegrown Sustainable Agriculture Scholarship Program is open to full time undergraduate and graduate students beginning or returning to an accredited 2 or 4 year technical or college program or graduate school in the U.S. for the 2011/2012 school year. Students must be focusing on classes in sustainable agriculture. International students may apply as long as they are studying at a U.S. school.
Annie’s accepts applications postmarked between August 15th, 2010 and December 15th, 2010. If you are chosen to receive an award, you will be notified by a phone call and email by April 15th, 2011, and funds will be dispersed directly to your school on or around July 15, 2011.
Application Checklist
The application consists of two parts – your application and your supporting documents.
Your Application
Complete the application cover page, sign (or e-sign) the form, and draft a personal statement.
Email the documents to: scholarships@annies.com
? Completed, signed application form. All sections are required.
? Personal statement
Your Supporting Documents
Please compile your transcripts and two letters of recommendation, and mail them to:
Annie’s Homegrown Scholarship Committee
564 Gateway Drive
Napa, CA 94558
• Official copies of your transcripts.
• Two letters of recommendation from someone who can speak to your commitment to Sustainable Agriculture. These must be from contacts that are NOT related to you. Letters should be in a sealed envelope, and the writer should sign the seal.
Source : http://www.annies.com/sustainable-agriculture-scholarship
Dec 7, 2010
The Cimo Fellowships 2010-2011
The Centre for International Mobility CIMO awards scholarships to foreign post-graduate students and young researches to carry out post-graduate studies and research and teaching in Finnish universities. The objective of the scholarship programme is to increase mobility to Finland and to support internationalisation of research and teaching and to foster links between Finnish and foreign universities.
Only representatives of Finnish universities who wish to host foreign scholarship holders and commit to shared goals with them are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Upon a successful application by the host, a personal scholarship is awarded to the foreign post-graduate student or young researcher. Post-doctorate research will not be funded.
Application deadline
There is a rolling deadline. Applications must be submitted at least 3 months before the proposed scholarship period. Decisions will be made within approximately 2 months after receipt of application.
Applications should be submitted on the attached CIMO Fellowships application form, which should be filled in electronically, printed and signed. You can move from field to field using, for example, the tab key. Use your mouse or the space key to select the appropriate option. Open text fields should be filled in the section appearing in grey. Please remember to save the form on your computer before filling it in!
The application can be made in Finnish, Swedish or English.
Two copies of the application with required attachments should be submitted to CIMO at CIMO, P.O. Box 343, 00531 Helsinki. Please mark the envelope with ”CIMO Fellowships”.
The following attachments are required:
- Applicant’s motivation: on one page, please, present the motivation for the proposed cooperation, its significance to the host institution, the background for the cooperation and a short description of the research environment. In addition, you should explain the commitment of the host institution to the project and its possible financial support to the scholarship holder. A preliminary plan for subsequent funding of proposed research will be required in case the application is submitted in order to begin a doctorate dissertation in Finland (or to continue a doctorate dissertation at its early stages).
- Complete CV of the scholarship candidate, which should include, for example, any previous visits to Finland, qualifications (a Master’s degree is a minimum requirement) and publications.
- Research plan (2 to 5 pages, including an introduction, objectives, work plan/work methods, expected results and their possible applications.)
The grant is from 800 to 1200 euros/month. The grant is personal and is intended to cover for the subsistence costs of the scholarship holder in Finland. Additional support for accommodation will not be paid and CIMO will not pay travel or visa expenses. In the Helsinki metropolitan area, some scholarship holders may be accommodated in CIMO’s halls of residence, but CIMO will not pay their rent.
Duration of the scholarship period
The scholarship period may last from 3 to 12 months. The period may be extended only in exceptional cases. Short visits will not be funded.
Payment of the grant
The grant will be paid to the relevant university department. The university will pay the grant to the scholarship holder as a personal grant and will invoice CIMO one month after the end of the scholarship period at the latest. In cases, where the scholarship period extends over two calendar years, CIMO should be invoiced each year for the amount paid to the scholarship holder. A budget report should be attached with the invoice. The university must not deduce any general costs from the grant.
Practical arrangements
The host institution/applicant is responsible for all practical arrangements, such as entry arrangements to Finland, hosting, accommodation etc. The scholarship holder should attach an invitation letter from the host institute and a copy of CIMO’s scholarship decision with their visa application.
It is recommended that the host institute makes sure that the scholarship holder will already have an insurance to cover for accidents and acute illnesses when arriving in Finland. CIMO will not pay for the cost of the insurance.
Within one month after the end of the scholarship period, a representative of the host institution will have to submit a report to CIMO. The form of the report is free and should present the main results achieved during the scholarship period, as well as an estimation of how well the goals were reached. The report should also tell if the scholarship holder continued his/her research in Finland with funding from another source or, for instance, returned to his/her home country.
Scholarship/Financial aid: The grant is from 800 to 1200 euros/month
Date: varies from 3 to 12 months
Deadline: at least 3 months before the proposed scholarship period
Open to: young researchers from all countries and from all academic fields
Website: http://www.studyinfinland.fi/tuition_and_scholarships/cimo_scholarships/cimo_fellowships
Email: cimoinfo@cimo.fi
The Centre for International Mobility CIMO awards scholarships to foreign post-graduate students and young researches to carry out post-graduate studies and research and teaching in Finnish universities. The objective of the scholarship programme is to increase mobility to Finland and to support internationalisation of research and teaching and to foster links between Finnish and foreign universities.
Only representatives of Finnish universities who wish to host foreign scholarship holders and commit to shared goals with them are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Upon a successful application by the host, a personal scholarship is awarded to the foreign post-graduate student or young researcher. Post-doctorate research will not be funded.
Application deadline
There is a rolling deadline. Applications must be submitted at least 3 months before the proposed scholarship period. Decisions will be made within approximately 2 months after receipt of application.
Applications should be submitted on the attached CIMO Fellowships application form, which should be filled in electronically, printed and signed. You can move from field to field using, for example, the tab key. Use your mouse or the space key to select the appropriate option. Open text fields should be filled in the section appearing in grey. Please remember to save the form on your computer before filling it in!
The application can be made in Finnish, Swedish or English.
Two copies of the application with required attachments should be submitted to CIMO at CIMO, P.O. Box 343, 00531 Helsinki. Please mark the envelope with ”CIMO Fellowships”.
The following attachments are required:
- Applicant’s motivation: on one page, please, present the motivation for the proposed cooperation, its significance to the host institution, the background for the cooperation and a short description of the research environment. In addition, you should explain the commitment of the host institution to the project and its possible financial support to the scholarship holder. A preliminary plan for subsequent funding of proposed research will be required in case the application is submitted in order to begin a doctorate dissertation in Finland (or to continue a doctorate dissertation at its early stages).
- Complete CV of the scholarship candidate, which should include, for example, any previous visits to Finland, qualifications (a Master’s degree is a minimum requirement) and publications.
- Research plan (2 to 5 pages, including an introduction, objectives, work plan/work methods, expected results and their possible applications.)
The grant is from 800 to 1200 euros/month. The grant is personal and is intended to cover for the subsistence costs of the scholarship holder in Finland. Additional support for accommodation will not be paid and CIMO will not pay travel or visa expenses. In the Helsinki metropolitan area, some scholarship holders may be accommodated in CIMO’s halls of residence, but CIMO will not pay their rent.
Duration of the scholarship period
The scholarship period may last from 3 to 12 months. The period may be extended only in exceptional cases. Short visits will not be funded.
Payment of the grant
The grant will be paid to the relevant university department. The university will pay the grant to the scholarship holder as a personal grant and will invoice CIMO one month after the end of the scholarship period at the latest. In cases, where the scholarship period extends over two calendar years, CIMO should be invoiced each year for the amount paid to the scholarship holder. A budget report should be attached with the invoice. The university must not deduce any general costs from the grant.
Practical arrangements
The host institution/applicant is responsible for all practical arrangements, such as entry arrangements to Finland, hosting, accommodation etc. The scholarship holder should attach an invitation letter from the host institute and a copy of CIMO’s scholarship decision with their visa application.
It is recommended that the host institute makes sure that the scholarship holder will already have an insurance to cover for accidents and acute illnesses when arriving in Finland. CIMO will not pay for the cost of the insurance.
Within one month after the end of the scholarship period, a representative of the host institution will have to submit a report to CIMO. The form of the report is free and should present the main results achieved during the scholarship period, as well as an estimation of how well the goals were reached. The report should also tell if the scholarship holder continued his/her research in Finland with funding from another source or, for instance, returned to his/her home country.
Scholarship/Financial aid: The grant is from 800 to 1200 euros/month
Date: varies from 3 to 12 months
Deadline: at least 3 months before the proposed scholarship period
Open to: young researchers from all countries and from all academic fields
Website: http://www.studyinfinland.fi/tuition_and_scholarships/cimo_scholarships/cimo_fellowships
Email: cimoinfo@cimo.fi
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