The Centre for International Mobility CIMO awards scholarships to foreign post-graduate students and young researches to carry out post-graduate studies and research and teaching in Finnish universities. The objective of the scholarship programme is to increase mobility to Finland and to support internationalisation of research and teaching and to foster links between Finnish and foreign universities.
Only representatives of Finnish universities who wish to host foreign scholarship holders and commit to shared goals with them are eligible to apply for the scholarship. Upon a successful application by the host, a personal scholarship is awarded to the foreign post-graduate student or young researcher. Post-doctorate research will not be funded.
Application deadline
There is a rolling deadline. Applications must be submitted at least 3 months before the proposed scholarship period. Decisions will be made within approximately 2 months after receipt of application.
Applications should be submitted on the attached CIMO Fellowships application form, which should be filled in electronically, printed and signed. You can move from field to field using, for example, the tab key. Use your mouse or the space key to select the appropriate option. Open text fields should be filled in the section appearing in grey. Please remember to save the form on your computer before filling it in!
The application can be made in Finnish, Swedish or English.
Two copies of the application with required attachments should be submitted to CIMO at CIMO, P.O. Box 343, 00531 Helsinki. Please mark the envelope with ”CIMO Fellowships”.
The following attachments are required:
- Applicant’s motivation: on one page, please, present the motivation for the proposed cooperation, its significance to the host institution, the background for the cooperation and a short description of the research environment. In addition, you should explain the commitment of the host institution to the project and its possible financial support to the scholarship holder. A preliminary plan for subsequent funding of proposed research will be required in case the application is submitted in order to begin a doctorate dissertation in Finland (or to continue a doctorate dissertation at its early stages).
- Complete CV of the scholarship candidate, which should include, for example, any previous visits to Finland, qualifications (a Master’s degree is a minimum requirement) and publications.
- Research plan (2 to 5 pages, including an introduction, objectives, work plan/work methods, expected results and their possible applications.)
The grant is from 800 to 1200 euros/month. The grant is personal and is intended to cover for the subsistence costs of the scholarship holder in Finland. Additional support for accommodation will not be paid and CIMO will not pay travel or visa expenses. In the Helsinki metropolitan area, some scholarship holders may be accommodated in CIMO’s halls of residence, but CIMO will not pay their rent.
Duration of the scholarship period
The scholarship period may last from 3 to 12 months. The period may be extended only in exceptional cases. Short visits will not be funded.
Payment of the grant
The grant will be paid to the relevant university department. The university will pay the grant to the scholarship holder as a personal grant and will invoice CIMO one month after the end of the scholarship period at the latest. In cases, where the scholarship period extends over two calendar years, CIMO should be invoiced each year for the amount paid to the scholarship holder. A budget report should be attached with the invoice. The university must not deduce any general costs from the grant.
Practical arrangements
The host institution/applicant is responsible for all practical arrangements, such as entry arrangements to Finland, hosting, accommodation etc. The scholarship holder should attach an invitation letter from the host institute and a copy of CIMO’s scholarship decision with their visa application.
It is recommended that the host institute makes sure that the scholarship holder will already have an insurance to cover for accidents and acute illnesses when arriving in Finland. CIMO will not pay for the cost of the insurance.
Within one month after the end of the scholarship period, a representative of the host institution will have to submit a report to CIMO. The form of the report is free and should present the main results achieved during the scholarship period, as well as an estimation of how well the goals were reached. The report should also tell if the scholarship holder continued his/her research in Finland with funding from another source or, for instance, returned to his/her home country.
Scholarship/Financial aid: The grant is from 800 to 1200 euros/month
Date: varies from 3 to 12 months
Deadline: at least 3 months before the proposed scholarship period
Open to: young researchers from all countries and from all academic fields

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