The CDC-Hubert Global Health Fellowship provides opportunities for third- and fourth-year medical and veterinary students to gain public health experience in an international setting. Each year, 10 highly qualified individuals spend 6–12 weeks working in a developing country alongside recognized experts from CDC and other national and international health agencies. Fellows receive a stipend of $4,000 to cover travel expenses; fellowship opportunities and locations vary each year.
Applications are accepted from January 17 to February 18, 2011.
Apply online at
Assignment examples
• Population-based surveillance for emerging infectious diseases— Nairobi, Kenya
• Emerging infectious diseases at the human-animal interface: Focus on bats as hosts and vectors — Thailand
• Central American food fortification with folic acid and other micronutrients to prevent neural tube defects and other micronutrient deficiencies — Guatemala/Panama
• Sentinel surveillance for avian influenza preparedness — Kenya
• Implementation of HIV rapid test quality assurance program — Botswana
Learn more
• Visit CDC-Hubert Global Fellowship online at
• E-mail at
• Contact lead medical epidemiologist, Larry Cohen, MD, MPH at 404-498-6128 or
• Contact program coordinator, Catherine Folowoshele, MPH at 404-498-6148 or

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