The Leonore Annenberg Teaching Fellowship, the equivalent of a
national “Rhodes Scholarship” for teaching, is one of three new
Fellowships launched by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship
Foundation to address fundamental challenges to improving the teacher
workforce. Through the Fellowships, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation
seeks to improve the rigor of new teacher selection; demonstrate what
effective teacher preparation and retention looks like, particularly
in high-need schools; and raise the prestige of the profession.
Funded by a $5 million grant from the Annenberg Foundation and a $1
million grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Fellowship
provides a $30,000 stipend to exceptionally able candidates to
complete a yearlong master’s program at one of four of the nation’s
top teacher education programs—Stanford University, the University of
Pennsylvania, the University of Virginia, and the University of
Washington. In exchange, the candidates must agree to teach for three
years in high-need secondary schools. During these first three years
in the classroom, Fellows receive intensive onsite mentoring and

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