Tentative application deadline: December 2010
In 1991, the Council of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) established the AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship in Education Research to provide support for doctoral dissertation research. The purposes of the program are to advance education research by outstanding minority graduate students and to improve the quality and diversity of university faculties. This program offers doctoral fellowships to enhance the competitiveness of outstanding minority scholars for academic appointments at major research universities. It supports fellows conducting education research and provides mentoring and guidance toward the completion of their doctoral studies.
Awards and tenure
AERA will award up to three doctoral fellowships every year. Each fellowship award is for 1 year, beginning July 1 or later, and is nonrenewable. Fellowships are awarded for doctoral dissertation research conducted under faculty sponsorship in any accredited university in the United States.
This program is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Fellows will be required to provide proof of advancement to candidacy at the beginning of the grant period. At the time of application submission, the dissertation advisor will attest to the proposal constituting research for the doctoral degree. Applicants must work full-time on their dissertations and course requirements. This program is targeted for members of racial and ethnic groups historically underrepresented in higher education (e.g., African Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders).
Application Procedures and Deadline
Please read the application instructions carefully before completing the application. The online portion of your application must be completed in one session. You will not be able to save your work and return to your submission. All information must be uploaded electronically by 11:59pm (EST) on the deadline. Late applications and supporting material will not be accepted.
Stipends and allowances
Fellows will receive a 1-year stipend of $12,000 and up to $1,000 in travel support to attend the AERA Annual Meeting. Fellowships may be supplemented by university or department awards and tuition waivers. Such supplements are encouraged.
Source: http://www.aera.net/fellowships/?id=88

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