Balliol College offers numerous scholarships for graduate study every year. For admission in the academic year 2011-12 Balliol College intend, if there are candidates of sufficient merit, to make the awards listed. Where appropriate they may be held in conjunction with other awards, particularly those of the University of Oxford such as Clarendon, Weidenfeld, and Scatcherd. Except where stated in the particulars of the scholarship, candidates need only apply to the University for admission to their chosen course. In most cases all eligible applicants who list Balliol as their College of preference will be considered for these scholarships automatically. Candidates eligible for other University or Public Awards will be expected to have applied for them.
These scholarships are normally awarded to those who list their preferences in Balliol College and are available only to those admitted to Balliol.
Scholarship Name Eligibility Closing Date
Anderson French Scholarship Students of French nationality, with no subject restrictions 21 January 2011
Anderson Mauritian Scholarship Students from Mauritius, with no subject restrictions 21 January 2011
Cyrus Ardalan Scholarship Iranians with a first degree from an Iranian University. Students may study any course for which the College admits, but there is a preference for Economics and related disciplines 21 January 2011
Dervorguilla Scholarship No restrictions 21 January 2011
Marvin Bower Scholarship Students of any nationality to study any graduate degree in International Relataions, Economics, Management (excluding MBA), or Mathematics 21 January 2011
Eddie Dinshaw Scholarship Indian nationals to study for any degree in Engineering, Mathematics, Economics, History, Law, Physical and Biological Sciences, including Biochemistry. Awards are not made for Psychiatry or Integrated Immunology. 21 January 2011
Foley-Béjar Award Students from Spain, Mexico and the Republic of Ireland, or Northern Ireland. No restriction on subject. 21 January 2011
JT Hamilton Scholarship in Mathematics Students of any nationality to study Mathematics 21 January 2011
Gregory Kulkes Students of any nationality to study Law 21 January 2011
Linnett Scholarship in Environmental Economics Students of any nationality to read for a DPhil in Environmental Economics 21 January 2011
CR Parekh Awards Indian nationals to read for a DPhil in Mathematical or Physical Sciences, Life and Environmental Sciences, Medical Sciences, Philosophy, History, or Social Science 21 January 2011
Snell Scholarship Graduates of the University of Glasgow to read any degree in any subject. 21 January 2011
Snell Exhibition Graduates of the University of Glasgow to read any degree in any subject. 21 January 2011
Not all College scholarships are available every year: the following scholarships are offered by the College, but are not expected to be awarded to new students for the 2011-2012 academic year.
Scholarship Name Eligibility
Hakeem Belo-Osagie Scholarship Students from any African country, with no subject restrictions.
JT Hamilton Scholarship in Physics Students of any nationality to study Physics
Jason Hu Scholarships Prinicpally students from China and Taiwan; some funds are available for students from other Asian countries
For Frequently Asked Question as shown below, please go here
* Does Balliol have any scholarships for graduates?
* If I want to come to Balliol College, how do I apply?
* Does Balliol College accept applications for my subject?
* How will Balliol College make a decision about my application?
* How will I be told the outcome of my application?
* Do I have to meet any conditions to be admitted to Balliol?
* What sort of proof of funding will the College need?
* Can graduates earn money to help fund their studies while in Oxford?
* What accommodation is available to successful applicants?
* Does Balliol have accommodation for couples?

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