The Caroline Thomas Memorial Fund has been established to further research into human security in developing countries by supporting females of outstanding merit and research potential from the African continent who would otherwise not have the opportunity or financial resources to do undertake such work. The fund, which will be run as a charitable trust administered by the University of Southampton, will provide a scholarship to qualified students for a three year doctoral programme in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Southampton with its focus on any aspect of human security in a developing country context.
The fund has been set up in memory of the late Professor Caroline Thomas of the University of Southampton, who devoted her career to the plight of the poor and disadvantaged in developing nations. Caroline's 1987 book, ‘In Search of Security: the Third World in International Relations’ was influential in changing the traditional approach to security issues. Security had previously meant only the military security of the state, but in proposing to broaden the agenda beyond its narrow focus on war and arms control, Caroline sought to include issues such as poverty, health and environmental degradation that confront the people of the developing nations, rather than their states.
Based within the Social Sciences at the University of Southampton, you will be part of a multi-disciplinary school with an international reputation and research expertise in political theory, comparative politics, global politics and international relations. To find out more about our research interests please see our website (
The fund, open for 2011 entry, covers the international fees and provides an annual stipend of £13,590 in respect of the candidate's living expenses, as well as a research allowance of £2000. The call for 2011 entry closes on May 31 2011.
Fund eligibility
Applications are competitive and will be assessed on the basis of academic merit and financial need. Applications will be accepted from female students from the continent of Africa, providing you are either a:
* Graduate with a first or upper second class honours degree (or its equivalent)
* Final year undergraduate student proposing to undertake postgraduate studies and who are expected to achieve a first or upper second class honours degree
* Postgraduate with a Master’s qualification in a relevant field study
To apply, please visit and click apply online next to PhD Politics when selecting the subject. In the funding section please indicate that you would like to be considered for the Caroline Thomas Memorial Fund.
For general advice regarding the research proposal, please see Given the purpose of this scholarship, please make clear how your proposal advances the study of human securit

Custom Search
Jan 31, 2011
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2011-The European Master’s Program in Computational Logic
Students from ''Third Countries'' (Non-European countries and Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey) can apply - if if they have not carried out their main activity (job, study...) in Europe for more than 12 months (in total) over the last 5 years (deadline is 28 February of the year when the program starts) - for the scholarship
category A which covers
1. Fixed amount for travel, installation and others: in total 8000 EUR,
2. Participation costs to be paid to the universities/consortia: up to a max. sum of 2700 EUR per semester (it concerns tuition fee, semester social fee, health insurance...),
3. Monthly allowance amounting to: 1000 EUR, in total 24000 EUR.
Students from European Countries or countries which are considered as ''European Countries'' (These are presently Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Switzerland. This list may change.) and all students who do not fulfil category A requirements can apply for the scholarship
category B which covers
1. Fixed amount for travel, installation and others: in total 3000 EUR (this concerns the project work at NICTA, Australia),
2. Participation costs to be paid to the universities/consortia: up to a max. sum of 1700 EUR per semester (it concerns tuition fee, semester social fee, health insurance)...,
3. Monthly allowance amounting to: 500 EUR, in total 12000 EUR.
More information on the program is provided by the European Commission.
category A which covers
1. Fixed amount for travel, installation and others: in total 8000 EUR,
2. Participation costs to be paid to the universities/consortia: up to a max. sum of 2700 EUR per semester (it concerns tuition fee, semester social fee, health insurance...),
3. Monthly allowance amounting to: 1000 EUR, in total 24000 EUR.
Students from European Countries or countries which are considered as ''European Countries'' (These are presently Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, Switzerland. This list may change.) and all students who do not fulfil category A requirements can apply for the scholarship
category B which covers
1. Fixed amount for travel, installation and others: in total 3000 EUR (this concerns the project work at NICTA, Australia),
2. Participation costs to be paid to the universities/consortia: up to a max. sum of 1700 EUR per semester (it concerns tuition fee, semester social fee, health insurance)...,
3. Monthly allowance amounting to: 500 EUR, in total 12000 EUR.
More information on the program is provided by the European Commission.
Jan 24, 2011
The Mercurians Travel Grants 2011 in the History of Communication Technologies
The Mercurians, a Special Interest Group of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), is offering a travel grant of US$1,000 to defray the cost of travel and housing to use a research collection.
The Mercurians began meeting in 1986 for the purpose of generating networks between people who share work and interests in the history of communication technologies, defining the field broadly. Our activities include publishing a semi-annual newsletter, Antenna, meeting during annual SHOT conferences, organizing paper sessions for SHOT meetings, and pursuing contacts between meetings via our Google Groups list. The newsletter serves both as a clearing house for readers and an informal forum for their ideas.
We have added this new initiative to encourage and reward high-caliber research in the history of communication technologies. One of the Mercurians’ missions is to encourage scholarship in the history of communication technologies. There is no travel grant program (either within or outside SHOT) that we are aware of dedicated to supporting scholarship on the history of communication technologies. While the history of communication technology literature is vast and always growing, the quality of the research effort or resulting publication too often falls short of scholarly expectations.
The travel grant is awarded in alternating years. We anticipate presenting the first travel grant during the SHOT annual meeting November 3-6, 2011, in Cleveland.
The grant is intended for and limited to junior scholars meaning either current graduate students or recent postgraduates (no more than three years beyond the terminal degree in their field).
Requirements and Application
Only travel to an appropriate archival collection to carry out research on an aspect of the history of communication technology, broadly defined, will be supported. The archive can be open to the public, private, or even closed, provided that necessary permissions have been obtained from the archive.
Complete the application form (available at: and e-mail it and a curriculum vitae (no longer than 3 pages) as attachments to the Mercurians c/o Your curriculum vitae should include pertinent publications, fellowships, or accomplishments relevant to your proposed research, and professional societies and affiliations.
The deadline for submitting an application for the inaugural grant is August 31, 2011.
For further information or questions, please contact Andrew Butrica at
The Mercurians began meeting in 1986 for the purpose of generating networks between people who share work and interests in the history of communication technologies, defining the field broadly. Our activities include publishing a semi-annual newsletter, Antenna, meeting during annual SHOT conferences, organizing paper sessions for SHOT meetings, and pursuing contacts between meetings via our Google Groups list. The newsletter serves both as a clearing house for readers and an informal forum for their ideas.
We have added this new initiative to encourage and reward high-caliber research in the history of communication technologies. One of the Mercurians’ missions is to encourage scholarship in the history of communication technologies. There is no travel grant program (either within or outside SHOT) that we are aware of dedicated to supporting scholarship on the history of communication technologies. While the history of communication technology literature is vast and always growing, the quality of the research effort or resulting publication too often falls short of scholarly expectations.
The travel grant is awarded in alternating years. We anticipate presenting the first travel grant during the SHOT annual meeting November 3-6, 2011, in Cleveland.
The grant is intended for and limited to junior scholars meaning either current graduate students or recent postgraduates (no more than three years beyond the terminal degree in their field).
Requirements and Application
Only travel to an appropriate archival collection to carry out research on an aspect of the history of communication technology, broadly defined, will be supported. The archive can be open to the public, private, or even closed, provided that necessary permissions have been obtained from the archive.
Complete the application form (available at: and e-mail it and a curriculum vitae (no longer than 3 pages) as attachments to the Mercurians c/o Your curriculum vitae should include pertinent publications, fellowships, or accomplishments relevant to your proposed research, and professional societies and affiliations.
The deadline for submitting an application for the inaugural grant is August 31, 2011.
For further information or questions, please contact Andrew Butrica at
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships in the Masters Program in Materials Science
Erasmus Mundus Scholarships offered in the Masters Program in Materials Science | | | |
MaMaSELF is a two year European Master program in Materials Science. It stands for the R&D of functional materials, developed in a strong symbiosis between universities, industrial partners and research centres. It offers excellent scientific and industrial carreer opportunities for Master Students in an international environment. It also strongly supports industrial partners to have access to a state of the art characterization of materials at large scale facilities with neutron and synchrotron radiation. The European Master in Materials Science Exploring European Large Scale Facilities (MaMaSELF) is a cooperation of
- University of Rennes 1, FRANCE,
- Technical University of Munich (TUM), GERMANY
- Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (LMU), GERMANY,
- University of Torino, ITALY.
Grants for Non-European students
For each academic year the consortium of universities selects Non-European students who will receive a grant. Each Non-European student will receive a grant of 22.000 euros per year.
Deadline for application: 26.01.2011.
Non-EU students who already spent a time in Europe can applicate in the cat B fellowship, deadline 20.5.2011.
AdmissionStudents must have 180 ECTS (or equivalent) in Material Science or related disciplines (Chemistry, Physics, Geoscience,…), good academic records and good English competencies. The application must be done online on:
The deadline for submission is: 26 January 2011
the deadline for students who apply without EM grant is: 11 June 2011.
The new MamaSELF flyer, further information about the study programme, the universities of the consortium, the admission process can be found on
For any other question, please contact or
Jan 23, 2011
INSEAD Syngenta Endowed Scholarships
INSEAD Syngenta Endowed Scholarship(s) for Emerging Country Leadership
Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. The company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market. Sales in 2007 were approximately US$ 9.24 billion. Syngenta employs some 21,000 people in 90 countries. Headquarters is located in Basel, Switzerland.
Since Syngenta strongly believes that talented people are the key to successful businesses they embrace INSEAD's mission to train the brightest and best from around the world for the challenge of tomorrow's business world. Syngenta is particularly committed to the dynamic emerging market regions and has therefore chosen to offer this scholarship opportunity to future leaders from emerging countries.
Two scholarships will be awarded per class and candidates for this scholarship will need to demonstrate: (a) outstanding academic achievement and promise (b) aptitude for business and financial management (c) leadership potential and (d) a commitment to contributing to their country or region at some point in the future.
Candidates must be a national of an emerging economy and have spent a substantial part of their lives in the developing world, in education and/or professional experience. Experience in industry will be considered a plus. Preference will be given to candidates who require proven financial assistance.
Essay topic :
1).Briefly discuss the requirements for successful business leadership in your country today. Describe how you envisage contributing to the future development of your country after graduation and why you should be considered for this award. (200 words)
2).Briefly discuss measures required for sustainable agriculture in your country/region in the context of urban and rural development. Focus on what you consider to be the most important element (450 words)
3).Provide a concise but accurate description of your financial circumstances as well as a cash flow forecast for the year at INSEAD (details of income set against expenditures).
Amount of Award: €22,500
Application Format:
Complete online application and submit with essays.
Scholarship Application Deadline:
11 February for the July class
18 August for the December class
Syngenta is a world-leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. The company is a leader in crop protection, and ranks third in the high-value commercial seeds market. Sales in 2007 were approximately US$ 9.24 billion. Syngenta employs some 21,000 people in 90 countries. Headquarters is located in Basel, Switzerland.
Since Syngenta strongly believes that talented people are the key to successful businesses they embrace INSEAD's mission to train the brightest and best from around the world for the challenge of tomorrow's business world. Syngenta is particularly committed to the dynamic emerging market regions and has therefore chosen to offer this scholarship opportunity to future leaders from emerging countries.
Two scholarships will be awarded per class and candidates for this scholarship will need to demonstrate: (a) outstanding academic achievement and promise (b) aptitude for business and financial management (c) leadership potential and (d) a commitment to contributing to their country or region at some point in the future.
Candidates must be a national of an emerging economy and have spent a substantial part of their lives in the developing world, in education and/or professional experience. Experience in industry will be considered a plus. Preference will be given to candidates who require proven financial assistance.
Essay topic :
1).Briefly discuss the requirements for successful business leadership in your country today. Describe how you envisage contributing to the future development of your country after graduation and why you should be considered for this award. (200 words)
2).Briefly discuss measures required for sustainable agriculture in your country/region in the context of urban and rural development. Focus on what you consider to be the most important element (450 words)
3).Provide a concise but accurate description of your financial circumstances as well as a cash flow forecast for the year at INSEAD (details of income set against expenditures).
Amount of Award: €22,500
Application Format:
Complete online application and submit with essays.
Scholarship Application Deadline:
11 February for the July class
18 August for the December class
Microsoft scholarship offers undergraduate studies in computer science
A Microsoft scholarship provides a leg up so you can pursue undergraduate studies in computer science and related technical disciplines. You’ll join a community of scholarship recipients from the United States, Canada and Mexico who share your passion for technology and academic excellence. It all adds up to achieving your primary goal—making a real difference in the software industry.
Microsoft is offering four different types of technical scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year to current undergraduate students: General Scholarships, Women's Scholarships, Minority Scholarships, and Scholarships for Students with Disabilities.
If you’re interested in applying for the 2011-2012 academic year scholarships, make sure you postmark your application by February 1, 2011 in order for your application to be considered. Microsoft selects final candidates based on the following criteria:
* Eligibility
* Quality of application
* Displayed interest in the software industry
* Commitment to leadership
* Financial need
We will be notifying all rewarded scholarship recipients on March 18, 2011. We will strive to contact all applicants about their status, however please note that due to the high number of scholarship applicants, we may only be able to contact candidates who were awarded scholarships.
Diversity at Microsoft
We encourage student populations currently underrepresented in the field of computer science to pursue technical degrees. All candidates who meet the criteria for eligibility described below may certainly apply, while we do award a large majority of our student scholarships to women, minorities, and the disabled. Minority applicants must belong to one of the following groups underrepresented in the software field: African-American, Hispanic, or Native American.
To be eligible, you must be enrolled full time in a Bachelor's degree program at a 4-year college or university in the United States, Canada, or Mexico at the time you submit the application. Plus, we’ll need to see that you’re making satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related technical discipline such as electrical engineering, math, or physics—and that you demonstrate an interest in computer science. Because the scholarship is merit based, you must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average out of a possible 4.0, or a 4.0 cumulative grade point average out of a possible 5.0. For more detailed information regarding eligibility, please read our FAQ.
How to Apply
You must include the following five items in your application:
* Resume
* Transcript
* Answers to essay questions
* Letter of referral
* Printed Confirmation Page from Online Application to the Microsoft Internship Program
That’s really all there is, and no extra forms to fill out. Don’t forget to include your name on each page of your application packet.
Please send your completed application to:
Microsoft Scholarship Program
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-8303
Microsoft is offering four different types of technical scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year to current undergraduate students: General Scholarships, Women's Scholarships, Minority Scholarships, and Scholarships for Students with Disabilities.
If you’re interested in applying for the 2011-2012 academic year scholarships, make sure you postmark your application by February 1, 2011 in order for your application to be considered. Microsoft selects final candidates based on the following criteria:
* Eligibility
* Quality of application
* Displayed interest in the software industry
* Commitment to leadership
* Financial need
We will be notifying all rewarded scholarship recipients on March 18, 2011. We will strive to contact all applicants about their status, however please note that due to the high number of scholarship applicants, we may only be able to contact candidates who were awarded scholarships.
Diversity at Microsoft
We encourage student populations currently underrepresented in the field of computer science to pursue technical degrees. All candidates who meet the criteria for eligibility described below may certainly apply, while we do award a large majority of our student scholarships to women, minorities, and the disabled. Minority applicants must belong to one of the following groups underrepresented in the software field: African-American, Hispanic, or Native American.
To be eligible, you must be enrolled full time in a Bachelor's degree program at a 4-year college or university in the United States, Canada, or Mexico at the time you submit the application. Plus, we’ll need to see that you’re making satisfactory progress toward an undergraduate degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a related technical discipline such as electrical engineering, math, or physics—and that you demonstrate an interest in computer science. Because the scholarship is merit based, you must maintain a 3.0 cumulative grade point average out of a possible 4.0, or a 4.0 cumulative grade point average out of a possible 5.0. For more detailed information regarding eligibility, please read our FAQ.
How to Apply
You must include the following five items in your application:
* Resume
* Transcript
* Answers to essay questions
* Letter of referral
* Printed Confirmation Page from Online Application to the Microsoft Internship Program
That’s really all there is, and no extra forms to fill out. Don’t forget to include your name on each page of your application packet.
Please send your completed application to:
Microsoft Scholarship Program
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-8303
the Society of Women Engineers Scholarship
The SWE Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to women admitted to accredited baccalaureate or graduate programs, in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology and computer science. In 2010, SWE disbursed 170 new and renewed scholarships valued at almost $500,000.
SWE provides one application for sophomores through graduate students and one application for freshmen. Applicants complete an application and are considered for all scholarships that they are eligible for. The application for sophomores and above opened December 1st and the application for freshmen opens in March. Please wait for the freshmen application if you will be a freshman in the fall of 2011.
Grants are announced in the summer (sophomore, junior, senior and graduate students) and late summer/early fall (freshmen and reentry students) for use during the following academic year. Grant payments are made in the fall for corporate-sponsored scholarships and endowed scholarships, upon proof of registration.
Accredited programs are based on ABET accreditation for universities in the U.S. The list of SWE-approved colleges and universities is the same list as the ABET-accredited programs in engineering (EAC), computing (CAC), and technology (TAC). Visit for more information.
In 2010, we launched our first international scholarship. This scholarship will again be awarded. Students studying a SWE-approved program at one of four universities in the Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico are eligible.
SWE's Scholarship Program is open to both SWE members and non-members; however, some of the scholarships do require SWE membership. Read about the benefits of SWE membership.
For more information on SWE scholarships go to our website. Further information about requirements and eligibility (attached as Word documents) can be found on the freshmen and upperclass pages.
Submitting an Application
Please read through the instructions below. Once you are ready to begin, click on Register Now to create your profile. Attn SWE Members: Use the Register Now option if you have not accessed the scholarships system previously.
SWE provides one application for sophomores through graduate students and one application for freshmen. Applicants complete an application and are considered for all scholarships that they are eligible for. The application for sophomores and above opened December 1st and the application for freshmen opens in March. Please wait for the freshmen application if you will be a freshman in the fall of 2011.
Grants are announced in the summer (sophomore, junior, senior and graduate students) and late summer/early fall (freshmen and reentry students) for use during the following academic year. Grant payments are made in the fall for corporate-sponsored scholarships and endowed scholarships, upon proof of registration.
Accredited programs are based on ABET accreditation for universities in the U.S. The list of SWE-approved colleges and universities is the same list as the ABET-accredited programs in engineering (EAC), computing (CAC), and technology (TAC). Visit for more information.
In 2010, we launched our first international scholarship. This scholarship will again be awarded. Students studying a SWE-approved program at one of four universities in the Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico are eligible.
SWE's Scholarship Program is open to both SWE members and non-members; however, some of the scholarships do require SWE membership. Read about the benefits of SWE membership.
For more information on SWE scholarships go to our website. Further information about requirements and eligibility (attached as Word documents) can be found on the freshmen and upperclass pages.
Submitting an Application
Please read through the instructions below. Once you are ready to begin, click on Register Now to create your profile. Attn SWE Members: Use the Register Now option if you have not accessed the scholarships system previously.
AARP Women's Scholarship Program
AARP Women's Scholarship Program is about creating chances, fostering opportunities and, ultimately, changing lives. Recipients of these scholarships are diverse and inspirational: A widow finding hope and opportunity through education; a recovering addict achieving her dream of graduating from college; a grandmother raising grandchildren with the hope of achieving a more secure future for her family.
Research shows women are less likely to have enough money in the second half of their lives because of lower earnings and different work patterns. AARP Foundation created the Women's Scholarship Program in August 2007 to help older women overcome financial and employment barriers by allowing them to participate in education and training opportunities they otherwise could not afford. In 2010, more than $450,000 in educational scholarships was awarded to 200 women nationwide.
Priority is given to women in three categories:
* Those who are raising the children of another family member
* Those in low-paying jobs with no career opportunities and who are lacking a retirement benefit and/or health insurance
* Those who have been out of the work force for more than five year
Scholarships may be used for any course of study at an accredited public or private school, including a community college, four-year university or technical school. The money, which is payable to the institution, may be used to pay for tuition, fees and books. Graduate students are discouraged from applying.
Scholarship winners are chosen by an independent selection committee established by AARP Foundation. Selections are on the basis of financial need, personal circumstances and achievements, educational goals, and the likely impact of the scholarship on the women's lives, their families and communities.
The scholarship program is made possible by AARP Foundation with generous support from the Wal-Mart Foundation and AARP.
Beginning Feb. 1, 2011, interested applicants can return to to complete their application online. The application process closes March 31, 2011. Scholarship winners will be announced in the summer.
Research shows women are less likely to have enough money in the second half of their lives because of lower earnings and different work patterns. AARP Foundation created the Women's Scholarship Program in August 2007 to help older women overcome financial and employment barriers by allowing them to participate in education and training opportunities they otherwise could not afford. In 2010, more than $450,000 in educational scholarships was awarded to 200 women nationwide.
Priority is given to women in three categories:
* Those who are raising the children of another family member
* Those in low-paying jobs with no career opportunities and who are lacking a retirement benefit and/or health insurance
* Those who have been out of the work force for more than five year
Scholarships may be used for any course of study at an accredited public or private school, including a community college, four-year university or technical school. The money, which is payable to the institution, may be used to pay for tuition, fees and books. Graduate students are discouraged from applying.
Scholarship winners are chosen by an independent selection committee established by AARP Foundation. Selections are on the basis of financial need, personal circumstances and achievements, educational goals, and the likely impact of the scholarship on the women's lives, their families and communities.
The scholarship program is made possible by AARP Foundation with generous support from the Wal-Mart Foundation and AARP.
Beginning Feb. 1, 2011, interested applicants can return to to complete their application online. The application process closes March 31, 2011. Scholarship winners will be announced in the summer.
Jan 21, 2011
Masters Scholarships Awards of £20,000
The University of Warwick is delighted to announce, that in conjunction with the Chancellor’s International Scholarships for graduate research programmes, that three awards of £20,000 are to be made available to three outstanding candidates who wish to undertake a one year taught Masters or Masters by Research programme in any field of study for 2011 entry.
* 3 awards of £20,000 (pounds sterling) to be offered to successful candidates eligible to pay overseas tuition fee rates for entry in 2011
* No separate application form required. Admissions tutors in departments will nominate their most outstanding candidates for nomination
* Nominated candidates will be asked to submit a brief candidacy statement for the award
* To be eligible to be considered for the award, applications for graduate study must be received by 25th March 2011
* Students must formally accept their offer of study by 6th May 2011.
Each award, totalling £20,000, will be credited towards the successful candidates’ tuition fees, and the remainder will be paid as a stipend to students to contribute towards living costs.
There is no separate application process for this award, however candidates shortlisted by admissions tutors in the departments to which the candidates have applied will be invited to complete an candidacy statement to support why they merit the award above other candidates.
The deadline in order to be considered for the award is 25th March 2011. Candidates must have successfully completed their applications by this date (including paid the application fee to apply, as well as provided supporting documentation required).
For details on how to apply to graduate programmes at Warwick, please follow the link
* 3 awards of £20,000 (pounds sterling) to be offered to successful candidates eligible to pay overseas tuition fee rates for entry in 2011
* No separate application form required. Admissions tutors in departments will nominate their most outstanding candidates for nomination
* Nominated candidates will be asked to submit a brief candidacy statement for the award
* To be eligible to be considered for the award, applications for graduate study must be received by 25th March 2011
* Students must formally accept their offer of study by 6th May 2011.
Each award, totalling £20,000, will be credited towards the successful candidates’ tuition fees, and the remainder will be paid as a stipend to students to contribute towards living costs.
There is no separate application process for this award, however candidates shortlisted by admissions tutors in the departments to which the candidates have applied will be invited to complete an candidacy statement to support why they merit the award above other candidates.
The deadline in order to be considered for the award is 25th March 2011. Candidates must have successfully completed their applications by this date (including paid the application fee to apply, as well as provided supporting documentation required).
For details on how to apply to graduate programmes at Warwick, please follow the link
Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarships
Competition for entry in 2011-12
If you are applying to Warwick for a PhD (or MPhil/PhD) starting in 2011-12, and you are an outstanding academic candidate, you might wish to also apply for a Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship (WPRS) to fund your studies. It's worth preparing now - planning early is an essential factor in success in this very competitive process.
The Scholarship
Warwick Graduate School is delighted to offer around 45 Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarships this year, which include:
* The payment of academic fees at the Home/EU rate (£3,466 for full-time students in 2010-11)
* A maintenance grant in line with the UK Research Council stipend (£13,590 for full-time award holders in 2010-11)
Students and applicants who wish to apply for an AHRC doctoral award should apply to the WPRS competition and will automatically be considered for both competitions. More details on applying for an AHRC doctoral award are available here.
This competition, unlike most postgraduate funding, is open to Home, EU, and Overseas students from all disciplines at Warwick, and offers an equal award to all.
Overseas Applicants
The WPRS pays academic fees at the Home/EU rate, so overseas students awarded a WPRS will need to fund the difference between the Home/EU fee rate and the Overseas fee they will be required to pay. Occasionally, academic departments may be able to assist in funding the difference, entirely at their discretion and as their budget allows.
However, all eligible overseas students applying for entry in October 2011 will also be considered for a Chancellor's International Scholarship, which pays the full overseas fee, by using a single application for both competitions. Details of how to apply are given below; details on eligibility for a Chancellor's International Scholarship are given here.
Applications welcomed from:
* Applicants for a full-time doctoral course at the University of Warwick, expecting to begin in Autumn 2011.
* Students currently enrolled on a three-year full-time PhD or MPhil/PhD (in the case of the Faculties of Arts, Medicine and Social Science), at the University of Warwick may apply in the first year of their registration only.
* University of Warwick students currently registered on a "1+3" course at a Doctoral Training Centre, who are in their Master's year and expecting to start doctoral study in 2011-12. These students will be eligible for a three-year WPRS or (if paying overseas fees) a Chancellor's International Scholarship.
* University of Warwick students currently registered on the “2+2” MPhil > PhD course in the Department of Philosophy may apply for a postgraduate research scholarship in either (or both) the first and second years of their MPhil. Students applying in the first year will be eligible for a three year WPRS or (if an overseas fees-payer) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship. Students applying in their second year will be eligible for a two year WPRS, or (if a UK or EU student) a two year AHRC doctoral award, or (if an overseas fees-payer) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship. No student will be permitted to apply for a WPRS/Chancellor's International Scholarship on more than two occasions. UK or EU Students will be eligible to apply (via a separate process) for an AHRC Master’s award to fund their two-year MPhil.
Applicants must have obtained or be expected to obtain at least an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) from a recognised institution of higher education before 31 July 2011. Many disciplines (particularly in the Arts and Social Science Faculties) may also expect you to hold or expect to obtain a Master's degree as preparation for a PhD.
Applications are open to students from all disciplines currently represented at the University of Warwick.
Only one application per applicant per round is permitted, i.e. it is not possible to apply for a PhD in more than one department and seek a WPRS (or Chancellor's International Scholarship or AHRC doctoral award) for both.
Application deadline:
The competition will open for applications on 1 November 2010 and close on 31 January 2011.
No late applications will be accepted.
If you have questions not answered here, please email Please note we can advise on eligibility and preparation but we cannot give a preliminary assessment of your chances of succes.
If you are applying to Warwick for a PhD (or MPhil/PhD) starting in 2011-12, and you are an outstanding academic candidate, you might wish to also apply for a Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarship (WPRS) to fund your studies. It's worth preparing now - planning early is an essential factor in success in this very competitive process.
The Scholarship
Warwick Graduate School is delighted to offer around 45 Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarships this year, which include:
* The payment of academic fees at the Home/EU rate (£3,466 for full-time students in 2010-11)
* A maintenance grant in line with the UK Research Council stipend (£13,590 for full-time award holders in 2010-11)
Students and applicants who wish to apply for an AHRC doctoral award should apply to the WPRS competition and will automatically be considered for both competitions. More details on applying for an AHRC doctoral award are available here.
This competition, unlike most postgraduate funding, is open to Home, EU, and Overseas students from all disciplines at Warwick, and offers an equal award to all.
Overseas Applicants
The WPRS pays academic fees at the Home/EU rate, so overseas students awarded a WPRS will need to fund the difference between the Home/EU fee rate and the Overseas fee they will be required to pay. Occasionally, academic departments may be able to assist in funding the difference, entirely at their discretion and as their budget allows.
However, all eligible overseas students applying for entry in October 2011 will also be considered for a Chancellor's International Scholarship, which pays the full overseas fee, by using a single application for both competitions. Details of how to apply are given below; details on eligibility for a Chancellor's International Scholarship are given here.
Applications welcomed from:
* Applicants for a full-time doctoral course at the University of Warwick, expecting to begin in Autumn 2011.
* Students currently enrolled on a three-year full-time PhD or MPhil/PhD (in the case of the Faculties of Arts, Medicine and Social Science), at the University of Warwick may apply in the first year of their registration only.
* University of Warwick students currently registered on a "1+3" course at a Doctoral Training Centre, who are in their Master's year and expecting to start doctoral study in 2011-12. These students will be eligible for a three-year WPRS or (if paying overseas fees) a Chancellor's International Scholarship.
* University of Warwick students currently registered on the “2+2” MPhil > PhD course in the Department of Philosophy may apply for a postgraduate research scholarship in either (or both) the first and second years of their MPhil. Students applying in the first year will be eligible for a three year WPRS or (if an overseas fees-payer) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship. Students applying in their second year will be eligible for a two year WPRS, or (if a UK or EU student) a two year AHRC doctoral award, or (if an overseas fees-payer) a Chancellor’s International Scholarship. No student will be permitted to apply for a WPRS/Chancellor's International Scholarship on more than two occasions. UK or EU Students will be eligible to apply (via a separate process) for an AHRC Master’s award to fund their two-year MPhil.
Applicants must have obtained or be expected to obtain at least an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) from a recognised institution of higher education before 31 July 2011. Many disciplines (particularly in the Arts and Social Science Faculties) may also expect you to hold or expect to obtain a Master's degree as preparation for a PhD.
Applications are open to students from all disciplines currently represented at the University of Warwick.
Only one application per applicant per round is permitted, i.e. it is not possible to apply for a PhD in more than one department and seek a WPRS (or Chancellor's International Scholarship or AHRC doctoral award) for both.
Application deadline:
The competition will open for applications on 1 November 2010 and close on 31 January 2011.
No late applications will be accepted.
If you have questions not answered here, please email Please note we can advise on eligibility and preparation but we cannot give a preliminary assessment of your chances of succes.
Jan 19, 2011
The CDC-Hubert Global Health Fellowship
The CDC-Hubert Global Health Fellowship provides opportunities for third- and fourth-year medical and veterinary students to gain public health experience in an international setting. Each year, 10 highly qualified individuals spend 6–12 weeks working in a developing country alongside recognized experts from CDC and other national and international health agencies. Fellows receive a stipend of $4,000 to cover travel expenses; fellowship opportunities and locations vary each year.
Applications are accepted from January 17 to February 18, 2011.
Apply online at
Assignment examples
• Population-based surveillance for emerging infectious diseases— Nairobi, Kenya
• Emerging infectious diseases at the human-animal interface: Focus on bats as hosts and vectors — Thailand
• Central American food fortification with folic acid and other micronutrients to prevent neural tube defects and other micronutrient deficiencies — Guatemala/Panama
• Sentinel surveillance for avian influenza preparedness — Kenya
• Implementation of HIV rapid test quality assurance program — Botswana
Learn more
• Visit CDC-Hubert Global Fellowship online at
• E-mail at
• Contact lead medical epidemiologist, Larry Cohen, MD, MPH at 404-498-6128 or
• Contact program coordinator, Catherine Folowoshele, MPH at 404-498-6148 or
Applications are accepted from January 17 to February 18, 2011.
Apply online at
Assignment examples
• Population-based surveillance for emerging infectious diseases— Nairobi, Kenya
• Emerging infectious diseases at the human-animal interface: Focus on bats as hosts and vectors — Thailand
• Central American food fortification with folic acid and other micronutrients to prevent neural tube defects and other micronutrient deficiencies — Guatemala/Panama
• Sentinel surveillance for avian influenza preparedness — Kenya
• Implementation of HIV rapid test quality assurance program — Botswana
Learn more
• Visit CDC-Hubert Global Fellowship online at
• E-mail at
• Contact lead medical epidemiologist, Larry Cohen, MD, MPH at 404-498-6128 or
• Contact program coordinator, Catherine Folowoshele, MPH at 404-498-6148 or
ETSU The International Students Academic Merit Scholarship 2011
The International Students Academic Merit Scholarship is open to new international students seeking a graduate or undergraduate degree. The scholarship covers 50 percent of the total of in and out-of-state tuition and maintenance fees only. No additional fees or costs are covered. The award is available for:
* Eight semesters for undergraduate recipients
* Five semesters for recipients seeking a Master’s degree, or commensurate with the length of the program.
* Eight semesters for doctoral students, or commensurate with the length of the program (see ETSU graduate catalog).
* Scholarship can be applied to summer semesters.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants Must:
1. Be admitted to ETSU as full-time, degree-seeking students (undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions)
2. Have or plan to have an F-1 or J-1 student visa
3. Have a demonstrated record of academic achievement
4. Fill out the scholarship application form.
5. Students are encouraged to apply as soon as they are admitted to ETSU.
When to Apply
Completed applications, including letters of recommendation, need to be submitted by the following dates:
* Fall semester deadline: no later than June 1st
* Spring semester deadline: no later than October 1st
Students are encouraged to submit scholarship applications as soon as they are admitted to ETSU. An application cannot be reviewed until the applicant is admitted to the university. Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed. Click here to apply now.
Additional Conditions
* Recipients must maintain full-time status.
* Undergraduate recipients must maintain a 2.75 grade point average in order to continue receiving the scholarship. Graduate recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
* The scholarship only applies to in and out-of-state tuition and maintenance fees. Recipients will be required to pay other fees such as program fees, course fees, housing costs, and medical insurance costs.
* Recipients continuing from a bachelor’s to a master’s degree program must reapply for the scholarship.
Students who are NOT eligible:
* Students continuing from an ETSU bachelor’s degree program to a second ETSU bachelor’s degree program
* Graduate students receiving a graduate assistantship or tuition scholarship
* Students receiving any other ETSU tuition scholarship
* Students applying for the M.D. and Pharm. D. programs
Click here to apply for the International Students Academic Merit Scholarship.
For questions contact Maria Costa:
East Tennessee State University
The Honors College
International Programs and Services
P.O. Box 70668
Johnson City, TN 37614 USA
* Eight semesters for undergraduate recipients
* Five semesters for recipients seeking a Master’s degree, or commensurate with the length of the program.
* Eight semesters for doctoral students, or commensurate with the length of the program (see ETSU graduate catalog).
* Scholarship can be applied to summer semesters.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants Must:
1. Be admitted to ETSU as full-time, degree-seeking students (undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions)
2. Have or plan to have an F-1 or J-1 student visa
3. Have a demonstrated record of academic achievement
4. Fill out the scholarship application form.
5. Students are encouraged to apply as soon as they are admitted to ETSU.
When to Apply
Completed applications, including letters of recommendation, need to be submitted by the following dates:
* Fall semester deadline: no later than June 1st
* Spring semester deadline: no later than October 1st
Students are encouraged to submit scholarship applications as soon as they are admitted to ETSU. An application cannot be reviewed until the applicant is admitted to the university. Applications received after the deadline will not be reviewed. Click here to apply now.
Additional Conditions
* Recipients must maintain full-time status.
* Undergraduate recipients must maintain a 2.75 grade point average in order to continue receiving the scholarship. Graduate recipients must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
* The scholarship only applies to in and out-of-state tuition and maintenance fees. Recipients will be required to pay other fees such as program fees, course fees, housing costs, and medical insurance costs.
* Recipients continuing from a bachelor’s to a master’s degree program must reapply for the scholarship.
Students who are NOT eligible:
* Students continuing from an ETSU bachelor’s degree program to a second ETSU bachelor’s degree program
* Graduate students receiving a graduate assistantship or tuition scholarship
* Students receiving any other ETSU tuition scholarship
* Students applying for the M.D. and Pharm. D. programs
Click here to apply for the International Students Academic Merit Scholarship.
For questions contact Maria Costa:
East Tennessee State University
The Honors College
International Programs and Services
P.O. Box 70668
Johnson City, TN 37614 USA
Developing Solutions Taught Masters Scholarships 2011
A number of 100% Tuition Fee Scholarships, plus an additional 60 Tuition Fee Scholarships 2011 – normally 75%, are available for new students from Africa registering on Taught Masters programmes (including MRes and Masters by Research programmes) at The University of Nottingham in September every year.
These are in the areas related to Environment, Food, Health and Technology. The Developing Solutions Scholarship Fund will reach out to those students who have the potential to make a real difference to the development and prosperity of their home countries.
How to apply:
In order to apply for one of these scholarships you must
Source :
These are in the areas related to Environment, Food, Health and Technology. The Developing Solutions Scholarship Fund will reach out to those students who have the potential to make a real difference to the development and prosperity of their home countries.
How to apply:
In order to apply for one of these scholarships you must
VLIR-UOS – Food Short Courses University Scholarship 2011
Food Short Courses University Scholarship 2011
VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to students from developing countries to attend international training programme in food safety, quality assurance systems and risk analysis in Belgium.
A certificate attesting the participation of the student and listing the topics of the training is granted after the 4 month course.
VLIR-UOS awards 180 scholarships to first-year master students and 70 scholarships to training participants.
Who can apply for a scholarship?
You can apply for a scholarship if you meet the following requisites:
# You are a resident and a national from developing countries.
# You are not older than 40 years if you apply for a scholarship to follow a master programme. Or you are not older than 45 years if you apply for a scholarship to follow a training programme.
# You meet the academic admission requirements. You have the required English proficiency.
Application Deadline 1st February 2011
VLIR-UOS awards scholarships to students from developing countries to attend international training programme in food safety, quality assurance systems and risk analysis in Belgium.
A certificate attesting the participation of the student and listing the topics of the training is granted after the 4 month course.
VLIR-UOS awards 180 scholarships to first-year master students and 70 scholarships to training participants.
Who can apply for a scholarship?
You can apply for a scholarship if you meet the following requisites:
# You are a resident and a national from developing countries.
# You are not older than 40 years if you apply for a scholarship to follow a master programme. Or you are not older than 45 years if you apply for a scholarship to follow a training programme.
# You meet the academic admission requirements. You have the required English proficiency.
Application Deadline 1st February 2011
Jan 18, 2011
the Horace Mann – Abraham Lincoln Fellowship
Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer, Illinois state legislator and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives before being elected our 16th president. While he was born in Kentucky, he spent most of his political life in Illinois’ capital city of Springfield. And now thanks to our partnership with the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, we’re giving you a chance to walk where Lincoln walked.
We will select 50 educators from around the country to participate in the Horace Mann – Abraham Lincoln Fellowship program. Fellows will tour various historical sites, including the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Lincoln’s New Salem State Historic Site, Lincoln’s home, Lincoln’s tomb and the Old State Capitol State Historic Site. Educators will also hear from experts on Lincoln’s life and the Civil War era.
The online application process for the Horace Mann – Abraham Lincoln Fellowship program opens June 24, 2010 and closes at 8 a.m. CST on February 12, 2011. Applications should include a resume and answers to two, 250-word maximum essay questions. This year’s essay questions are:
1. Abraham Lincoln was known for his bipartisanship. How can a better understanding of incoln’s ability to work with “rivals” help you teach?
2. The Civil War is a significant part of Abraham Lincoln’s legacy and America’s history. January 2011 will mark the 150th anniversary of the conflict. In your opinion, what are the most important issues of the war? How did Lincoln address them and how did his action affect the Union?
Source :
We will select 50 educators from around the country to participate in the Horace Mann – Abraham Lincoln Fellowship program. Fellows will tour various historical sites, including the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Lincoln’s New Salem State Historic Site, Lincoln’s home, Lincoln’s tomb and the Old State Capitol State Historic Site. Educators will also hear from experts on Lincoln’s life and the Civil War era.
The online application process for the Horace Mann – Abraham Lincoln Fellowship program opens June 24, 2010 and closes at 8 a.m. CST on February 12, 2011. Applications should include a resume and answers to two, 250-word maximum essay questions. This year’s essay questions are:
1. Abraham Lincoln was known for his bipartisanship. How can a better understanding of incoln’s ability to work with “rivals” help you teach?
2. The Civil War is a significant part of Abraham Lincoln’s legacy and America’s history. January 2011 will mark the 150th anniversary of the conflict. In your opinion, what are the most important issues of the war? How did Lincoln address them and how did his action affect the Union?
Source :
Facebook Fellowship Program
Application Timeline
December 20, 2010: Launch of Fellowship for 2011-2012 academic year
February 28, 2011: Applications for fellowships must be submitted in full
April 8, 2011: Award recipients will be notified by email of their acceptance
Topical Areas
We are interested in a wide range of academic topics, including the following topical areas:
Computational Advertising
Computer Vision
Compiler Technology
Computer Architecture
Computer Networking
Computer Security
Data Mining
Distributed Computing
Fault Tolerance
Human-Computer Interaction
Internet Economics
Machine Learning
Machine Translation
Natural Language Processing
Smart Datacenters
Social Computing
Eligibility Criteria
Full-time Ph.D. students in topical areas represented by these fellowships who are currently involved in on-going research.
Students must be studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, System Architecture, or a related area.
Students must be enrolled during the academic year that the Fellowship is awarded.
Students must be nominated by a faculty member.
Selection Criteria
Eligibility of applicant.
Quality of application.
Applicability of the project or study to Facebook.
Other criteria as decided by Facebook in its sole discretion. Facebook complies with all equal opportunity laws.
Application Checklist
The application must include:
1-2 page research summary which clearly identifies the area of focus and applicability to Facebook. Please reference the topical areas above.
Student's CV (with email, phone and mailing address). Please include applicable coursework.
Minimum of 2 letters of recommendation (one must be from the faculty sponsor).
The name and website/short bio of the faculty sponsor.
PLEASE NOTE: The submission site is currently under construction. We will post the link here when we launch the submission site.
December 20, 2010: Launch of Fellowship for 2011-2012 academic year
February 28, 2011: Applications for fellowships must be submitted in full
April 8, 2011: Award recipients will be notified by email of their acceptance
Topical Areas
We are interested in a wide range of academic topics, including the following topical areas:
Computational Advertising
Computer Vision
Compiler Technology
Computer Architecture
Computer Networking
Computer Security
Data Mining
Distributed Computing
Fault Tolerance
Human-Computer Interaction
Internet Economics
Machine Learning
Machine Translation
Natural Language Processing
Smart Datacenters
Social Computing
Eligibility Criteria
Full-time Ph.D. students in topical areas represented by these fellowships who are currently involved in on-going research.
Students must be studying Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, System Architecture, or a related area.
Students must be enrolled during the academic year that the Fellowship is awarded.
Students must be nominated by a faculty member.
Selection Criteria
Eligibility of applicant.
Quality of application.
Applicability of the project or study to Facebook.
Other criteria as decided by Facebook in its sole discretion. Facebook complies with all equal opportunity laws.
Application Checklist
The application must include:
1-2 page research summary which clearly identifies the area of focus and applicability to Facebook. Please reference the topical areas above.
Student's CV (with email, phone and mailing address). Please include applicable coursework.
Minimum of 2 letters of recommendation (one must be from the faculty sponsor).
The name and website/short bio of the faculty sponsor.
PLEASE NOTE: The submission site is currently under construction. We will post the link here when we launch the submission site.
Jan 14, 2011
PhD Position Scholarship in Biometrics
The Research Training Group 1023 „Identification in Mathematical Models: Synergy of Stochastic and Numerical Methods“ at the University of Göttingen invites applications for an immediately available 3-year (= 2-year + option for 1-year extension)
PhD Position (Doktorandenstipendium).
The focus of our Biometrics research group ( at the Institute for Mathematical Stochastics (IMS) is on the development of novel models and methods for fingerprint recognition. Dissertation projects can interdisciplinary combine the potentials of stochastics, statistics, numerics and computer science for providing new solutions to exciting challenges in the coinciding areas of biometrics, pattern recognition and image processing.
Essential qualifications are a master degree, diploma or a comparable degree in mathematics, computer science or a related scientific field.
– Good skills in written and spoken English
– Programming skills (e.g. Java, C++, Matlab, R)
– Experience in mathematical or statistical imaging
Background in geometry, pattern recognition or image processing is advantageous. We expect creativity and independence, the ability to work and communicate within a team of scientists from different discipline
The scholarship of the DFG Research Training Group 1023 are based on the support rate granted by the DFG and amount to EUR 1365,- per month with a monthly supplement of
EUR 103,-.
The advancement of equality at the IMS goes without saying; in particular, we are striving to increase the percentage of women in the science sector. Severely disabled persons with equal qualifications will be considered preferentially within the framework of legal requirements.
For further details, please contact: Prof. Dr. Axel Munk,
Phone: +49 (0) 551 39 172111.
Please send your application indicating Code: Biometrics including CV, a brief statement of research interests and contact details of two referees until 1st February, 2011 to or via postal delivery to: Steffi Greiner, Secretary, Institut für Mathematische Stochastik, Goldschmidtstr. 7, D-37077 Göttingen, German
PhD Position (Doktorandenstipendium).
The focus of our Biometrics research group ( at the Institute for Mathematical Stochastics (IMS) is on the development of novel models and methods for fingerprint recognition. Dissertation projects can interdisciplinary combine the potentials of stochastics, statistics, numerics and computer science for providing new solutions to exciting challenges in the coinciding areas of biometrics, pattern recognition and image processing.
Essential qualifications are a master degree, diploma or a comparable degree in mathematics, computer science or a related scientific field.
– Good skills in written and spoken English
– Programming skills (e.g. Java, C++, Matlab, R)
– Experience in mathematical or statistical imaging
Background in geometry, pattern recognition or image processing is advantageous. We expect creativity and independence, the ability to work and communicate within a team of scientists from different discipline
The scholarship of the DFG Research Training Group 1023 are based on the support rate granted by the DFG and amount to EUR 1365,- per month with a monthly supplement of
EUR 103,-.
The advancement of equality at the IMS goes without saying; in particular, we are striving to increase the percentage of women in the science sector. Severely disabled persons with equal qualifications will be considered preferentially within the framework of legal requirements.
For further details, please contact: Prof. Dr. Axel Munk,
Phone: +49 (0) 551 39 172111.
Please send your application indicating Code: Biometrics including CV, a brief statement of research interests and contact details of two referees until 1st February, 2011 to or via postal delivery to: Steffi Greiner, Secretary, Institut für Mathematische Stochastik, Goldschmidtstr. 7, D-37077 Göttingen, German
KFC Colonel's Scholars Program
The Scholarship offered by the KFC Colonel's Scholars Program provides funding for:
Tuition, Fees, Books, Room and Board
Awards can be up to $5,000 per year. The scholar could receive up to $20,000 over four years to help complete a bachelor's degree.
To be eligible to compete for the KFC Colonel's Scholars Scholarship, an individual must:
- Graduate from high school this academic year (between 12/1/10 and 8/31/11)
- Earn a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.75
- Plan to pursue a bachelor's degree at a public, in-state college or university (start date no later than 9/30/11)
- Be a US citizen or permanent resident
- Demonstrate financial need
Scholars may begin their college career by entering into either a 2-or 4-year accredited in-state college/university, as long as they stay on track to complete a bachelor's degree program.
Selection Process
Completing the online application is the first step. NOTE: The 2011 application process opens on December 1, 2010. Visit to apply. After February 9, 2011, all submitted applications will be reviewed and semifinalists selected. Semifinalists will be asked to provide additional documentation in March 2011. After the semifinalist information is received, an independent selection committee will meet to select the KFC Colonel's Scholars.
Scholarship Timeline
Application process opens the first of December
Application process closes the middle of February
Semifinalists are asked to provide additional documentation in March
Selected scholars are notified in May
Scholar Support
The KFC Colonel's Scholars Program has an on-site staff to support the program. To contact this staff, send an email to
In addition to the Program's staff, KFC Colonel's Scholar is also matched with a volunteer mentor.
Mentors include:
KFC Franchisees
KFC Employees
Other members of the KFC Family
Tuition, Fees, Books, Room and Board
Awards can be up to $5,000 per year. The scholar could receive up to $20,000 over four years to help complete a bachelor's degree.
To be eligible to compete for the KFC Colonel's Scholars Scholarship, an individual must:
- Graduate from high school this academic year (between 12/1/10 and 8/31/11)
- Earn a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.75
- Plan to pursue a bachelor's degree at a public, in-state college or university (start date no later than 9/30/11)
- Be a US citizen or permanent resident
- Demonstrate financial need
Scholars may begin their college career by entering into either a 2-or 4-year accredited in-state college/university, as long as they stay on track to complete a bachelor's degree program.
Selection Process
Completing the online application is the first step. NOTE: The 2011 application process opens on December 1, 2010. Visit to apply. After February 9, 2011, all submitted applications will be reviewed and semifinalists selected. Semifinalists will be asked to provide additional documentation in March 2011. After the semifinalist information is received, an independent selection committee will meet to select the KFC Colonel's Scholars.
Scholarship Timeline
Application process opens the first of December
Application process closes the middle of February
Semifinalists are asked to provide additional documentation in March
Selected scholars are notified in May
Scholar Support
The KFC Colonel's Scholars Program has an on-site staff to support the program. To contact this staff, send an email to
In addition to the Program's staff, KFC Colonel's Scholar is also matched with a volunteer mentor.
Mentors include:
KFC Franchisees
KFC Employees
Other members of the KFC Family
The Davidson Fellows Scholarship
The Davidson Fellows Scholarship awards $50,000, $25,000 and $10,000 scholarships to extraordinary young people under the age of 18 who have completed a significant piece of work.
Application categories are Mathematics, Science, Literature, Music, Technology, Philosophy and Outside the Box. Davidson Fellows are honored every year in Washington, D.C. with Congressional meetings and a special reception.
The application deadline is March 2, 2011. Please note additional requirement added on page two of Science and Technology applications as of December 2010.
Davidson Fellows named as one of 7 Prestigious Undergrad Scholarships in U.S. News & World Report.
To be eligible for consideration as a 2011 Davidson Fellow, applicants must:
Be under 18 years of age as of October 1, 2011. Individuals born on or before October 1, 1993 are not eligible.
Be a U.S. citizen residing in the United States, or a Permanent Resident of the United States residing in the United States, or be stationed overseas due to active U. S. military duty.
There is no minimum age for eligibility.
Davidson Fellows must be available to attend, with at least one parent or guardian, the awards reception and other recognition events to be held in October 2011 in Washington, D.C. (Travel expenses and lodging will be provided by the Institute.)
Application Categories
Science - A project in a specific area of science, such as physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, earth science, space science, environmental science or medicine.
Mathematics - A project in a specific area of mathematics, such as calculus, fractals or number theory.
Technology - A project a specific area of technology, such as artificial intelligence or computer programming.
Music - A portfolio that is representative of the applicant's talent as a composer, vocalist, classical instrumentalist or other instrumentalist.
Literature - A portfolio displaying a number of literary styles and genres.
Philosophy - A portfolio presenting analyses of fundamental assumptions or beliefs relating to human thought or culture.
Outside the Box - A project that is university graduate level work or comparable and completed with the supervision of an expert or experts.
The Davidson Fellows Scholarship does not currently recognize projects in areas such as athletics, community service, social service, dance and performance art, visual art and/or fine arts. Projects in these areas are not considered Outside the Box.
More than $4 million has been awarded to 166 brilliant young people through the Davidson Fellows Scholarship. Could you be next?
Application categories are Mathematics, Science, Literature, Music, Technology, Philosophy and Outside the Box. Davidson Fellows are honored every year in Washington, D.C. with Congressional meetings and a special reception.
The application deadline is March 2, 2011. Please note additional requirement added on page two of Science and Technology applications as of December 2010.
Davidson Fellows named as one of 7 Prestigious Undergrad Scholarships in U.S. News & World Report.
To be eligible for consideration as a 2011 Davidson Fellow, applicants must:
Be under 18 years of age as of October 1, 2011. Individuals born on or before October 1, 1993 are not eligible.
Be a U.S. citizen residing in the United States, or a Permanent Resident of the United States residing in the United States, or be stationed overseas due to active U. S. military duty.
There is no minimum age for eligibility.
Davidson Fellows must be available to attend, with at least one parent or guardian, the awards reception and other recognition events to be held in October 2011 in Washington, D.C. (Travel expenses and lodging will be provided by the Institute.)
Application Categories
Science - A project in a specific area of science, such as physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, earth science, space science, environmental science or medicine.
Mathematics - A project in a specific area of mathematics, such as calculus, fractals or number theory.
Technology - A project a specific area of technology, such as artificial intelligence or computer programming.
Music - A portfolio that is representative of the applicant's talent as a composer, vocalist, classical instrumentalist or other instrumentalist.
Literature - A portfolio displaying a number of literary styles and genres.
Philosophy - A portfolio presenting analyses of fundamental assumptions or beliefs relating to human thought or culture.
Outside the Box - A project that is university graduate level work or comparable and completed with the supervision of an expert or experts.
The Davidson Fellows Scholarship does not currently recognize projects in areas such as athletics, community service, social service, dance and performance art, visual art and/or fine arts. Projects in these areas are not considered Outside the Box.
More than $4 million has been awarded to 166 brilliant young people through the Davidson Fellows Scholarship. Could you be next?
Jan 12, 2011
National Society of Accountants Scholarship Program
**The Deadline for Applications is March 10, 2011**
The NSA Scholarship Foundation awards an average of 35 scholarships per year in the amount of $1,000 each for accounting students entering their third or fourth year of studies, and $500 each for students entering their second year of studies.
These include scholarships provided by our Affiliated State Organizations (ASOs), corporate and individual donors, and other 501(c)3 organizations.
Special Awards
The Stanley H. Stearman Award is given annually to a relative of an NSA Active or Retired* (living or deceased) member attending college and majoring in accounting. The recipient of this award receives a stipend in the amount of $2,000 per year, not to exceed a three-year period.
*NSA Active or Retired Members ONLY; Student Members ARE NOT eligible to apply.
The Louis and Fannie Sager Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate of a Virginia public school who is enrolled as an undergraduate and majoring in accounting at a Virginia college or university. The stipend for this award ranges from $500 to $1,000.
The NSA Scholarship Foundation awards an average of 35 scholarships per year in the amount of $1,000 each for accounting students entering their third or fourth year of studies, and $500 each for students entering their second year of studies.
These include scholarships provided by our Affiliated State Organizations (ASOs), corporate and individual donors, and other 501(c)3 organizations.
Special Awards
The Stanley H. Stearman Award is given annually to a relative of an NSA Active or Retired* (living or deceased) member attending college and majoring in accounting. The recipient of this award receives a stipend in the amount of $2,000 per year, not to exceed a three-year period.
*NSA Active or Retired Members ONLY; Student Members ARE NOT eligible to apply.
The Louis and Fannie Sager Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduate of a Virginia public school who is enrolled as an undergraduate and majoring in accounting at a Virginia college or university. The stipend for this award ranges from $500 to $1,000.
“La Caixa” Foundation – Barcelona GSE Scholarships for Developing Countries 2011
Fully-funded scholarships 2011
“La Caixa” Foundation – Barcelona GSE Scholarships for students from emerging and developing countries
The “la Caixa” savings bank Foundation and the Barcelona GSE offer 14 fully-funded scholarships to students from emerging and developing countries (*) with excellent academic backgrounds who will return to their home countries at the end of their professional training process to implement their knowledge.
This award covers:
master program tuition
medical insurance
round-trip airfare from the student’s country of residence
monthly stipend for expenses during the student’s stay in Barcelona
(*) Note: “Emerging and developing countries” is an expression used to name all countries not included on the following 2008 IMF list of “advanced economies”: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States of America.
“La Caixa” Foundation is the institution which manages the resources that Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, “la Caixa”, devotes to its social and cultural work. Among its priorities are cooperation with developing countries and promotion of higher education. “La Caixa”, based in Barcelona, is the leading European savings bank.
Admissions Dates and Timeline
The 2010-11 master program application period will open shortly. Students planning to apply should read carefully all of the information in this section. Students should also review the specific information available for each of the Barcelona GSE’s master programs as well as the Admissions FAQ page.
The Barcelona GSE has a rolling admission policy so applications are accepted throughout the year. When the total number of places in a program is covered, no more applications will be reviewed for that program. (For example, last year the Economics program closed applications on May 15). Therefore all candidates are encouraged to apply as early as possible to avoide getting closed out.
Due to visa processing time constraints, it is highly recommended that non-EU citizens submit completed applications by July 15, 2011.
“La Caixa” Foundation – Barcelona GSE Scholarships for students from emerging and developing countries
The “la Caixa” savings bank Foundation and the Barcelona GSE offer 14 fully-funded scholarships to students from emerging and developing countries (*) with excellent academic backgrounds who will return to their home countries at the end of their professional training process to implement their knowledge.
This award covers:
master program tuition
medical insurance
round-trip airfare from the student’s country of residence
monthly stipend for expenses during the student’s stay in Barcelona
(*) Note: “Emerging and developing countries” is an expression used to name all countries not included on the following 2008 IMF list of “advanced economies”: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States of America.
“La Caixa” Foundation is the institution which manages the resources that Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, “la Caixa”, devotes to its social and cultural work. Among its priorities are cooperation with developing countries and promotion of higher education. “La Caixa”, based in Barcelona, is the leading European savings bank.
Admissions Dates and Timeline
The 2010-11 master program application period will open shortly. Students planning to apply should read carefully all of the information in this section. Students should also review the specific information available for each of the Barcelona GSE’s master programs as well as the Admissions FAQ page.
The Barcelona GSE has a rolling admission policy so applications are accepted throughout the year. When the total number of places in a program is covered, no more applications will be reviewed for that program. (For example, last year the Economics program closed applications on May 15). Therefore all candidates are encouraged to apply as early as possible to avoide getting closed out.
Due to visa processing time constraints, it is highly recommended that non-EU citizens submit completed applications by July 15, 2011.
Jan 11, 2011
Magnum Foundation Scholarship
The Magnum Foundation, an Open Society Foundations grantee, announces that three scholarships will be available for the 2011 NYU/Magnum Foundation Photography and Human Rights Program.
The Magnum Foundation, in conjunction with the Department of Photography & Imaging at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, will offer a suite of four courses in photography and human rights. This five-week program is designed to explore strategies to create effective documentary projects in pursuit of human rights.
The scholarship funds cover the program at the Tisch School of the Arts, housing, travel, and living expenses, as well as an additional cultural week in New York with the opportunity to meet editors, publishers, and visit some of the most prestigious photography museums and galleries.
Support for these scholarships is provided by the Magnum Charitable Trust (UK), the Open Society Foundations, and the Rosenthal Family Foundation.
The Magnum Foundation, in conjunction with the Department of Photography & Imaging at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, will offer a suite of four courses in photography and human rights. This five-week program is designed to explore strategies to create effective documentary projects in pursuit of human rights.
The scholarship funds cover the program at the Tisch School of the Arts, housing, travel, and living expenses, as well as an additional cultural week in New York with the opportunity to meet editors, publishers, and visit some of the most prestigious photography museums and galleries.
The three scholarships are open to applicants living and working in, and native to any of the following regions: Latin America, the Caucasus region, Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, East Asia, Africa, or the Middle East.
Support for these scholarships is provided by the Magnum Charitable Trust (UK), the Open Society Foundations, and the Rosenthal Family Foundation.Deadline
Applications accepted January 5-18, 2011.
Further Information
Download the scholarship application instructions below, or contact
Jan 9, 2011
Sam Walton Community Scholarship
Sam Walton Community Scholarship
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
* Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Legal Resident of the United States.
* Cannot be an associate (employee) of any division of Walmart; the dependent of a Walmart Associate; or the dependent of a Walmart Board of Directors member as of March 29, 2011.
* Must be a high school or home school senior graduating or earning a GED between August 1, 2010 and July 31, 2011.
* Must have a cumulative high school grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4-point unweighted scale, and have taken either the ACT or SAT test.
* Must plan to enroll for fall 2011 as a freshman at a two-year or four-year college or university that is located in the U.S. and is accredited and listed on the official website of the U.S. Department of Education ( Military
academies are not approved institutions.
* Must have financial need and be able to demonstrate the need with required documents. (Note: Students with other funds that pay entirely for tuition, books, fees, and on-campus room and board are ineligible.)
Note: Additional guidelines apply. See the Program Guidelines document below for complete details.
Application Deadline: January 31, 2011.
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria:
* Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Legal Resident of the United States.
* Cannot be an associate (employee) of any division of Walmart; the dependent of a Walmart Associate; or the dependent of a Walmart Board of Directors member as of March 29, 2011.
* Must be a high school or home school senior graduating or earning a GED between August 1, 2010 and July 31, 2011.
* Must have a cumulative high school grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4-point unweighted scale, and have taken either the ACT or SAT test.
* Must plan to enroll for fall 2011 as a freshman at a two-year or four-year college or university that is located in the U.S. and is accredited and listed on the official website of the U.S. Department of Education ( Military
academies are not approved institutions.
* Must have financial need and be able to demonstrate the need with required documents. (Note: Students with other funds that pay entirely for tuition, books, fees, and on-campus room and board are ineligible.)
Note: Additional guidelines apply. See the Program Guidelines document below for complete details.
Application Deadline: January 31, 2011.
Jan 4, 2011
GIM Erasmus Mundus Scholarship 2011
Successful management of the innovation process is essential for any business wanting to stay ahead of the competition. The 2-year MSc in Global Innovation Management (GIM) will equip students with the skills needed to transform research outputs into innovative products and services for worldwide markets. It also provides a unique opportunity to test these skills internationally as part of the study programme.
GIM addresses new challenges in innovative global enterprise and provides:
- A practical and global perspective of Innovation Management
- Skills applicable for larger multinational organisations to smaller enterprises
- Expanded perspectives of Innovation Management including Technology Management, R&D, and Product/Service Development with focus on the interface between disciplines involved in the process;
- Increased research capability focused on activities at the periphery of the innovation process.
All students take a common first year at the University of Strathclyde, then choose either to deepen study at Hamburg University of Technology (Germany), or to apply skills and knowledge in an industrial internship at Aalborg University (Denmark)
The programme is delivered in English and intended for excellent graduates of first degrees in Engineering, Science and Technology. The MSc award is made jointly by the University of Strathclyde and the secondyear institution. Graduates, supported by a network of valuable contacts, enter the international employment market working:
- with enterprises dealing with high end technological products and services
- as consultants making technology assessment and innovation /change management
- with governmental institutes dealing with innovation policy and strategy
- with relevant research and higher education institutions.
UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE, United Kingdom (Co-ordinating Institution)
Application requirement
Candidates admitted to the MSc will require to have:
- A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, at second-class level or higher, in an engineering, science or technology subject
- An appropriate level of competence in the English language, through attaining IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 232/95
There are a number of competitively awarded ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarships (approx. 17) available to applicants from Non EU countries and for applicants from within the European Union, a European Econonmic Area / European Free Trade Association (EEA/EFTA) or an accession state (candidate for EU membership).
The scholarships are 48,000 Euros in total for Non EU students and up to 21,000 Euros for students native to an EU country or having carried out their main activities within the EU for 12 months or more in the last 5 years. Scholarships can be used to contribute to tuition fees and provide a significant contibution to living expenses on a monthly basis over the 2 year length of the programme.
Application deadline
The closing date for both Category A and Category B scholarship applications is 31st January.
How to apply
To apply online please click here.
- Applicants should upload all of the following documents to the application system as instructed within the form:
- Appendix / cover Sheet to the application (download the 2011 version here)
- Covering letter (max. 1 page) and summary CV (max. 2 pages) outlining why you should be considered for the course, and why you should be chosen to spend year 2 at a particular partner university;
- Two scanned letters of reference
- A copy of the first degree certificate, including confirmation of the level of award (GPA, if award level not stated on certificate)
- A scanned copy of an English Language Proficiency certificate
- A photocopy of your passport
Contact detail:
For general enquiries regarding the MSc. programme in Global Innovation Management, and issues concerning Application, Admissions and Curriculum or facilities please contact:
William John Ion
University of Strathclyde
75, Montrose Street
Source :
GIM addresses new challenges in innovative global enterprise and provides:
- A practical and global perspective of Innovation Management
- Skills applicable for larger multinational organisations to smaller enterprises
- Expanded perspectives of Innovation Management including Technology Management, R&D, and Product/Service Development with focus on the interface between disciplines involved in the process;
- Increased research capability focused on activities at the periphery of the innovation process.
All students take a common first year at the University of Strathclyde, then choose either to deepen study at Hamburg University of Technology (Germany), or to apply skills and knowledge in an industrial internship at Aalborg University (Denmark)
The programme is delivered in English and intended for excellent graduates of first degrees in Engineering, Science and Technology. The MSc award is made jointly by the University of Strathclyde and the secondyear institution. Graduates, supported by a network of valuable contacts, enter the international employment market working:
- with enterprises dealing with high end technological products and services
- as consultants making technology assessment and innovation /change management
- with governmental institutes dealing with innovation policy and strategy
- with relevant research and higher education institutions.
UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE, United Kingdom (Co-ordinating Institution)
Application requirement
Candidates admitted to the MSc will require to have:
- A Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, at second-class level or higher, in an engineering, science or technology subject
- An appropriate level of competence in the English language, through attaining IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 232/95
There are a number of competitively awarded ERASMUS MUNDUS scholarships (approx. 17) available to applicants from Non EU countries and for applicants from within the European Union, a European Econonmic Area / European Free Trade Association (EEA/EFTA) or an accession state (candidate for EU membership).
The scholarships are 48,000 Euros in total for Non EU students and up to 21,000 Euros for students native to an EU country or having carried out their main activities within the EU for 12 months or more in the last 5 years. Scholarships can be used to contribute to tuition fees and provide a significant contibution to living expenses on a monthly basis over the 2 year length of the programme.
Application deadline
The closing date for both Category A and Category B scholarship applications is 31st January.
How to apply
To apply online please click here.
- Applicants should upload all of the following documents to the application system as instructed within the form:
- Appendix / cover Sheet to the application (download the 2011 version here)
- Covering letter (max. 1 page) and summary CV (max. 2 pages) outlining why you should be considered for the course, and why you should be chosen to spend year 2 at a particular partner university;
- Two scanned letters of reference
- A copy of the first degree certificate, including confirmation of the level of award (GPA, if award level not stated on certificate)
- A scanned copy of an English Language Proficiency certificate
- A photocopy of your passport
Contact detail:
For general enquiries regarding the MSc. programme in Global Innovation Management, and issues concerning Application, Admissions and Curriculum or facilities please contact:
William John Ion
University of Strathclyde
75, Montrose Street
Source :
Best Buy @15 Scholarship Program
In 2011, the Best Buy @15 Scholarship Program will award scholarships to students in grades 9-12 living in the U.S. or Puerto Rico who plan to enter a full-time undergraduate course of study upon high school graduation.
A total of up to 1,200 students will each receive a $1,000 scholarship. If you’re a 9-12 grade student who plans to attend post- secondary education, have solid grades and are involved in community service or work experience, we encourage you to apply!
How To Apply
The application period runs from Dec. 27, 2010 to February 16, 2011
(by 9:00 a.m. EST). A helpful hint...don’t wait until the last couple days to apply as the site experiences heavy traffic at the close of the program. No late applications will be accepted. Winners will be announced on in May 2011. Be sure to check back on
at that time.
A total of up to 1,200 students will each receive a $1,000 scholarship. If you’re a 9-12 grade student who plans to attend post- secondary education, have solid grades and are involved in community service or work experience, we encourage you to apply!
How To Apply
The application period runs from Dec. 27, 2010 to February 16, 2011
(by 9:00 a.m. EST). A helpful hint...don’t wait until the last couple days to apply as the site experiences heavy traffic at the close of the program. No late applications will be accepted. Winners will be announced on in May 2011. Be sure to check back on
at that time.
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