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Mar 12, 2011

ASM International Fellowship Programs

The ASM International Fellowship Program encourages research and training collaborations in the microbiological sciences internationally.  These grants offer fellowships to promising young investigators in resource limited nations who are within five years of obtaining, or are in the process of obtaining, their Masters, PhD, or other equivalent academic degree, and who are working in any of the microbiology disciplines.  Fellows may visit a host scientist abroad and conduct a research project in microbiology.

The fellowships can be anywhere between 6 weeks and 6 months in length; the award is not intended to provide travel to obtain a degree at the host institution. 

Applications should be submitted jointly by the prospective fellow and the host.

ASM International Fellowships for Africa, Asia, and Latin American and the Caribbean: Funded by ASM these grants offer fellowships to promising young investigators in resource limited nations in Africa, Asia or Latin America and the Caribbean. 

ASM-PAHO Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Surveillance Fellowships: Funded by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and ASM, these Fellowships provide funding to young scientists from Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, and Peru who have at least five years of laboratory experience in the area of antimicrobial resistance. 

Online Application System
Applying to the ASM International Fellowship Program is now easier than ever with the new online application system.  Submitting your application through the program website allows you to receive immediate confirmation that you will be considered for these prestigious grants.

Simply follow this link to start your application: Apply Now

If you experience difficulty with the system please contact

*Application Deadlines  *April 15 , October 15  


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